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RE: Dakota Access Pipeline Update: 33 arrested, equipment and police vehicles vandalized, DAPL worker pulls gun on Protesters.

in #news8 years ago

Funny how the indians did no damage during their protest to protect their land and drinking water from pollution, and only staged a few animal PR shots. The cops even gave up for a few days, because the only violence was coming from them.

That was until Obama decided that the land grab for an oil pipeline will continue, ignoring the indians demands for unpolluted land and water. Then suddenly the violent protestors arrive in their professional protest bus, and the damage starts. This seems to be following the standard democrat plan of action, fund and antagonize both sides to fight in order to gain more power.

I hope they get enough live footage going to prevent any more violence.


They'll all be gone next month when the snow flies and it's -10 or -20 below windchill.

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