
in #news7 years ago

Simple right?

"Water is life." Some would say. Although others would say it is simply a drink. Although there are many sources of water there are also many dangerous places that destroy our water.

Did you know that the Potomac River in the USA is one of the most naturally flowing rivers?

Once upon a time it was in danger of poison and was even declared a natural disaster and disgrace due to the amount of destruction that took place in the water. Most from pollution and farm run off but then came the bans on dumping into the majestic river and we now have a safe haven for all water lovers and a natural resource for life and prosperity!

The same is not so for another more famous river... The Colorado River.

If you look through history engineering and development is usually thought to be a step forward in the right direction. Sure you have trial and error and many attempts at the same thing usually improve upon it. Yet for a natural beauty and resource like the Colorado River it is damning and downright disgusting.... Things like Dams including the "global tourist destination" The Hoover Dam have been magnificent achievements but what harm have they done?

Did you know that the Colorado River used to flow all the way into The Colorado River Delta? Which was also was a huge water resource for Mexico.

Due to construction of dams and other water restricting developments not only does the water no longer flow into Mexico but it never reaches even close to its original destination.... Although Efforts to restore the water to its original flow path have been well under way for years the efforts don't put a dent into the massive destruction that has already taken place to the water resource.... and the USA isn't the one reaping the consequences... Mexico is.

PHOTO CREDIT: National Geographics (Photo of the aftermath of the once flourishing Colorado River Delta)

When the "All American Canal" was built I feel they knew exactly what this meant... and exactly what would happen.

With the construction of the Morelos Dam the water (the 10% that was left of it) was diverted to farms in Mexicali and this was the death of the Colorado river. For over 50 years (minus one time where the opened the dams for an experiment) the Colorado has been dead and no longer flowed on its original path to the Sea.... Not only has this killed a river but it has destroyed an area now dry and deserted of not only vegetation but all matter of life.

After (oh left) and Before (on right)

(Flow of the Colorado River as pictured from Satellite)
Before the Dam and After

Now, I can only imagine what would happen to the utterly dry area we know as the southern California deserts if we managed the water in a better way then just killing it off and sending it to farms in Mexicali...

Although I agree the farms are important....

...Are Farms more important than those that have life where they now have no water?

Thanks for tuning in!



Very interesting. In Venezuela we have the Orinoco River, the largest river in the continent. Can you imagine how much life it harbors?

I could only imagine! I don't know what I would do if I was able to live near a body of water like that. I live here in California in the southern part of it and I have seen the dams and the lack of water.... It is kinda sad how horrible the gulf is because the water no longer circulates there because it doesn't flow.

There is also a lot of alege growth in the water and also worth a mention the trash is horrible.

I do love the area though the heat is nice rather then the cold and I will take 70s in the winter over anything below 40 haha!

I have several fish tanks but they are all empty except one with salt water from the ocean for when I have time for fish. When I moved I had to get rid of them :( I miss them greatly but with a baby on the way I have different priorities.

I love to study things that live in the water and man oh man the ocean is home to me.

Lakes, rivers, and just about any type of body of water is always fun for me to explore and over turn rocks to see what I can find.

BY the way I would love to visit Venezuela, I hear life there is simple although requires a lot more work to make sure you have what you need.

I long for a life where money is not the obsession of everyone around me.

Venezuela is a paradise, but at this moment, We are going through a political nightmare. However, in my country there are many rivers, lakes such as Maracaibo’s Lake, which is very famous for its oil.

And we have a long coast with the Caribbean. I am sure you would love to explore our natural water resources.

Btw, I Believe in Jesus too. And I have a baby, so I get you when you speak about new priorities.


Amen to that my brother!!! Maybe one day I will visit... I have been to the Caribbean once before but only on a Cruise as a once in a lifetime opportunity... I didn't want to get back on the boat... Maybe one day the Lord will bring me back to the waters and oceans but for now that isn't my focus.

I also just saw the videos posted online about the Helicopter pilot as well as some of the government unrest... I can't believe this kind of thing is going on. What are your point of views? I would love to get inside information rather than only what I can find from American News sources.

As I told you, Venezuela is politically speaking a disaster. The murder of Oscar Perez is a deplorable act. He had decided to surrender to the government, and they murdered him in the worst way.

In Venezuela there is no death penalty.

Yea, I heard about that... was very sad that someone wanted to surrender and the government still just killed them because they could and they didn't want to have him alive.

Possibly it is a horrible thing yes, but also possibly they will make a martyr of him and that will turn even more people against the corrupt government.

Although at this point no one knows. Someone stealing a helicopter and attacking government people may have been the ammo they needed to write him off as a terrorist but who knows. I am sure a lot of people there know he was fighting for them.... At least that is what I am thinking at this point. The news outlets I have seen paint him as a terrorist who was crazy.

This post reminds me of an article you've seen about the "raw water" consumption trend, have you heard anything about that? I personally believe that it is a dangerous practice because I have seen that this type of water, in addition to being sold at very high prices, is a product that they are selling without having made any minimum proof of quality! can you believe it?

I can believe it as many people are after as much money as they can get and don't care who they hurt... or kill... in the process.

Just look at places like McDonalds... The food they serve causes SOOOOO many people health problems and also contains additives that are EXTREMELY addictive... Don't even get me started on soda products and tobacco.... Ugh, some times when I think about it the things of this world make me sick.

On another note I didn't know about the raw water consumption but now I might look into it. Although I will have to say my mother has a well in her back yard that feeds water to a filter and then to a cistern which is then piped into the house. The water has some of the best qualities that I have ever seen as well as when we had it tested the person who did the testing was shocked by the content of minerals and was very curious to know where we had gotten the water. Even at one point someone offered to buy the water from us for $10 a gallon but as we didn't want to draw attention to where the well is as well as have a lot of people invading our property she decided against selling the water. I believe it was a good thing overall but at least she has amazing water for the health benefit as well as the obviously benefit of having a natural source of water instead of poisoned city water.

Thanks for the input!

You're right. There are people who want anything, no matter what may be damaged in the process.
With respect to what you say about the well, I think it's a wise decision that you made not to commercialize the water, it is very likely that over time more problems would come by publicizing the location of the well.

Another lovely piece I see!
I just love it sir...@timbo

Outstanding perfomance for safe water
Thank's for sharing

really @timbo water is not water !! water is life
it all know that when water without a few days their will be
excellant post

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