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RE: When Does World War 3 Start?

in #news7 years ago

@biddle War causes chaos and makes the rich richer. All wars are preplaned. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that more and more are waking up and realizing this. The powers that be starts chaos to get people protesting to divert their attention and to fulfill their agendas for full martial law and control over all. I completely stopped watching the network news. What we are doing here at is building relationship with all races, religions and nationalities without bias or judgement. This is how we make this world a better place. We take away their power, stop feeding into the propaganda, educate ourselves by reading post that reveal the truths and support each other. Also, what most people don't realize is that it is our very on fears that manifest and causes wars to manifest into realities. Live your live one day at a time, one moment at a time. If war does break out, at least you will have spent your last days on earth in a joyful state. And hopefully move on to another dimension. We are merely spirits occupying a human body. Human flesh may fade a away but spirit lives on and on. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself!" This is our true battle.


Agree with you on that one dude. But what I fear is that the global elite is always prepared for everything. They see that cryptocurrencies are the biggest threat to their banking system and if they become even a bigger threat (which they will), I think they'll find a way to shut it down somehow. Either by crashing it or by some other sleazy economic tricks.

I want this crypto system to work, but the elite has proven time and time again that they wont be de-throned.. :\

@rageofreason, anything is possible at this point. Guess for me taking this chance is better than being told I have to get a microchip in my hand to be able to buy or sell? Just be prepared for anything. Maybe it is time to work on being self-sufficient and not relying on any monetary system? I think they know people are fed up with their ideas of what our society should look like..Some have already gone into hiding, others arrested and when people stop using their banks, supporting drug and chemicals companies that are not only killing the people but also destroying our entire eccological system, trying to control our minds through electromagnetic waves and artificial intelligence, withholding technologies that are live saving, free energy..that is when they will take their wealth, close down their banks and hide in their underground caves. They are already being dethroned and are starting to realize that. We cannot blame anyone but ourselves for allowing this. We continue to eat gmo poisoned foods, take pharmaceuticals at every little ache and pain where nature already provides us a cure for everything. We look up in the sky and see chemtrails and no one bother to ask, who the heck is doing this, why and who is paying for the fuel and the chemicals they continue to dump on us. We credit the superstorms due to climate change..of course our climate is cannot continue to seed the clouds with chemicals and have Haarp continually blasting the skys with their rays and not have our climate change. So how do they divert our attention to all this, blame everything on the President or congress or start race wars or divert us by having us think World War III has or is started. Wake up Wake up Wake up!! "Let the things that break the heart of God be the things that break your heart." Be the change you wish to see! And above a life full of love, compassion and service to others. Just follow your heart and you will be fine.

The best comment since steemit came into existence....!!!

I don't know or care about being best...this is just how I live my life and what my heart speaks. But thank you ever so much for the compliment! I am honored that you honor me..ALOHA and MAHALO!!

Amen! :)

Thanks @biddle and as us country girls like to say "Hell Yes!" :)

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