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RE: Pedophilia In Islam, 90% of Pakistani Street Children Are Sexually Abused (Squawker)

in #news7 years ago

You are talking about people, i am talking about religion. Islam is not compatible with your way of thinking and west values. Read up more about it.

If only Muslims would change Islam from their violent bigoted and sexist roots from the stone age and bring it to the 21 century that would be great.

But these absurd teachings are in the core of the Islam, and the mayority of muslims follow them. If you are here to defend the few that do not follow those teachings and want to live their lives in peace good for you but you cant be attacking someone for pointing out issues on their belief system just because you know a few of muslims that do not follow 100% of their teachings and you feel bad for them. You should be telling THEM to do something about their own religion.

If the muslims that you know are not following those teachings that Islam preach. Out of comon sense or because of what ever then Islam have actors that can start to change it from its core, they are the ones that should start changing Islam.

According to Islam those muslims are not muslims, they are infidels and deserve nothing but death.

I made this post to point this issue about children sexual abuse issues that need to be adresed because its in the Quran, the Prophet was a warlord marreid a child!

You have there a narrative where the prohet is a warrior that gives fanatics the excuse to be violent, and also married a child, that gives an excuse for the same.

Now for comparison, imagine if Jesus was a warlord that married a child.
What would you think catholics and christians would think it will be okay?

Catholic religion changes over time so does christianity and judaism they adapt to evolution of humanity.

Islam does not. At least their 94% mayority not. 1 billion muslims in the world.

There are plenty muslims that are normal, even artists, rappers, famous sport players, look up Dave Chappele, i love him and hes muslim.


Wake the fuck up.

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