Top Vatican Finance Official- Cardinal Pell- Charged With Pedophile Crimes

in #news7 years ago (edited)

In tha past he's been accused of not properly handling cases involving clergy under him accused of sexually assaulting children. Now he himself has been charged- if found guilty that would certainly explain his running cover for his fellow pedophiles.

Let me guess the Pope still thinks those of us investigating pedogate are 'excited by feces'????????

Are these charges being filed against one of your top Cardinals 'fake news' too Mr. Pope?

The Vatican is a HUGE part of this problem and have been for a long time- the TRUTH is now flowing freely.

Time to face justice for your crimes against innocent children - the worst sort of pedophile are those who exploit their positions of trust to gain access to children.


Let's hope we see some real justice.

The quickening....

The Catholic Church is Satan's church!

Correct, the esoteric part of all 'religions' and all institutions is satanism very easy to see, and very easy to prove.

Be careful not to confuse the Vatican II Cult with Catholicism. The Church was taken over by Satanists, Freemasons, and later the KGB starting with Pius XI. The only real (legitimate) Pope we've had since Pius X (and I'm not even sure about him) was John Paul I

The Vatican is the Roman Empire

In kind of an abstract sense... The Roman Empire taking over Jesus' ministry.... Just remember, "The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." I read the book- the good guys win!!!

Constantine hijacked true Christianity in 308 - they knew they were losing so instead they hijacked it. Same real estate, same global domination, different costumes- Vatican = Modern Day Roman Empire- London handles financials while Washington supplies the military Legions.

Truth Will Out, We are living in exciting times....

Rats are trapped, expect more of this to come to "light"....

Nice Share @thelightreports, as usual.

Yep- and as ugly as the truth is- I'm loving it- they can no longer hide and protect one another.


Same old story with priests...


This is great to here but it is terrible that this is still going on.
We need to rat out these despicable people.

It's about time justice is served! Thanks for sharing.

Yes indeed, and he went lightly on pedophile priests too. I had a thought the other day, I wonder what other skeletons he might have in his closet, besides, it seems, being an atheist and a communist.

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