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RE: Yes, Trump is Dangerous, But the Unelected Deep State Trying to Overthrow Him Is Far Worse

in #news8 years ago

It's never been more obvious than now- the media is controlled by the CIA hence their unrelating attack against Trump with seemingly endless Fake News. I like how Trump just gives them the finger with Tweets and rallies- I would suggest he step that up a notch or two with monthly, open mic, town hall meetings. Trump also needs to clean house at COA, NSA, State and any other executive branch bureaucrats who have forgotten that they answer to elected officials.

The CIA has a budget of over $40,000,000,000- that agency is out of control and needs to be significantly reduced and split into several divisions that still answer one Director of National Intelligence- any increases in our already excessive military spending should come from the CIA paramilitary budget. They need to focus more on real human intelligence and less on black helicopter military operations.

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