Famous Filipino "National Scammer" Confuses People Into Thinking Bitcoin is a Scam Itself...

in #news7 years ago


A few months ago, a guy named Xian Gaza became viral on social media for having a billboard set up in Manila to catch the attention of a certain Filipina actress. See it here:


That picture, I think was taken before that proposed date, perhaps he met the actress somewhere and had a chance to have a photo with her. Now, the reason why he was labeled as National Scammer even by himself is because shortly after gaining attention on social media from that date proposal publicity stunt, people exposed how he scammed even another actress and other people he worked with for some projects.

He was also revealed as creepy for putting assuming-in-a-relationship captions on his photo with that actress he scammed. Now, basically because of that bad press, he was never granted that date he made some hell of an obviously wrong publicity move for. The actress he proposed that coffee date to said in an interview that due to what news are circulating on the media about Xian, she decided not to meet up with him. Fair enough.

Now let's move on to the real deal....

Yesterday, Xian Gaza posted a video on Facebook:


The title immediately triggered so many people most especially ones who really know what Bitcoin is. They were quick to leave comments on the National Scammer's video saying stuff like "Famewhore!" "Stupid! It isn't a scam!". I mean, such clickbait title could really spark a hell of social media frenzy.

However, what people failed to do is to actually watch the whole video first.... DAMN and these undeniably cryptocurrency-knowledgeable Filipinos just fired back at him like that... OOPS BOTH SIDES ON SHIT.

Now when I watched the video myself, I realized that what he was really meaning to expose was the scam many Filipinos do wherein they use Bitcoin as that promise or reward for people they are persuading to invest their money. He explained how these organizations take advantage of the Bitcoin hype to fool people into investing their money in their organization without even giving them at least a peek of an actual Bitcoin process. Also, of course he confessed that he's a part of it that even in his intro, he says how he has this 5 million-peso bounty on his head, because those people found out he was gonna expose the whole thing. I don't know if that's true but whatever, really.

The Problem with the Video

Since many people complained on the comments about the video's misleading title, Xian remained active in replying to them. Here's an example of his defense:


Well the crazy backlash would have been avoided had he used this as a caption instead...

Now all I know is that there are more Filipinos confused about the whole concept of Bitcoin at this point. I mean the video is almost 25 minutes long, and as I have said in an article before, people these days have the average 9-second attention span similar to a goldfish, so they probably just took the title literally that even one of my friends was fooled by it. Goddamn, this friend goes to the uni, so I was so disappointed with how he reacted on the whole thing messaging me like he was really victimized by that misleading title.

Social Media is CRAAAZY

Yes, that's all I can say. Find out more about my personal take on the madness of social media in this article.



I suppose title is supposed to indicate what is in the video and you are right no one now days have 25minutes to watch a video and then analyze the content. I think it is better to keep information brief on social media and yes people take it all wayyyy too seriously :D

Exactly my thoughts on this whole thing!

People do whatever to get attention on social media. Though with the level of virality at today's dan age. You can't escape it! :)

True haha

a lot of people dont know how the world of cryptocurrencies work, so if they hear some news about "Bitcoin is a scam" or something like that, it leaves a lasting impression on their mind and they start to associate the crypto world as a scam. people fear what they dont know and its a shame that things like this has to happen. if only they invest their time on reading up about cryptocurrencies, they wouldnt be easily fooled by scams like this. great post by the way! :)

True, the root of all this kind of evil is not educating oneself of the issues faced tbh...

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