Police Body Cameras Use Artificial Intelligence To Identify You!

in #news8 years ago (edited)

All 361.jpg

Remember the out cry to have police officers wear body cameras? This call was due to allegations that the police were using lethal force unjustly against Black Americans. Well, be careful what you wish for! The company that produces the stun gun Taser now are developing software to assist law enforcement. The facial recognition software is using footage taken from the officer’s body camera.

According to the website Vocativ, “Taser says the newly formed division will develop AI-powered tech specifically aimed at law enforcement, using automation and machine learning algorithms to let cops search for people and objects in video footage captured by on-body camera systems.”

This random gather of peoples identity is likely to spark court action. Several departments are using them in the course of their duties. However, the system is broadly still considered in the "testing" phase.

Sources - photo my own


there is a more information relevant to today in this article. I previously read that article from 2015 . Thanks, for taking the time to research my article and point this information out . Excellent work! What a discovery you made!

I do believe this smart camera is still in the testing phase as of the date of this article

O you don't say? What is actually more dangerous: that cops can track you by facial recognition or that they sit with their eyes glued to a screen as they are driving ALL THE FUCKING TIME?

That and IQ cop limits, and the idiom of "just following orders" and "i don't make the laws" are equally revolting, as is the idea that police are there to investigate crimes and respond to them but instead they use tactics to justify briefly harassing someone, because cops aren't there to respond or investigate, they are there to suspect.

I will not bite into your anarchy drizzle. Please go troll somewhere else. Maybe you can find some friends on Facebook. :-)

What is there to say about IQ cop limits? That it's anarchy drizzle, not a inconvenient reality which you cannot face or address, or wish to ignore? The same goes for the idioms that cops use all the time, is it anarchy drizzle that cops say "i don't make the laws" or "just doing my job" to objections against the use of force/threats/kidnapping and coercion?

Making noises now? Go on and entertain me some more mr I read about cops using facial recognition software but only now it's pertinent because body cams. Yawn, like you care about this stuff in the least, what is more damning: that cops have IQ limits for who can join the force or that they are infringing on your rights, which one is more yawn worthy again?

Seems you got stuck making the same noise, for the record you're not defending IQ cop limits, you simply don't care to approach such a thing because of "anarchy drizzle".

Is that anarchy drizzle, that cops are tasked with investigating and responding to crimes, not harassing people for "violations"? Dismiss all you want, reality is that cops don't care about protecting anybody, they simply want to get home, they don't make the laws, they just enforce mandates.

Who knew that reality would put you to sleep if it was offered with a blunt tone.

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