Debate Nights on SteemIt

in #news8 years ago

Looking for people who are interested in debating certain topics that I've listed below. You can put pro ( agree ) / con (not agree ) against the topics below in the comment section. If you are selected you'll be debating 'live' on Proceeds from the post will be split between debaters. A time and date will be set after we find two willing participates.

Topics are:

1.] Trump's Travel Ban from 7 Muslim Countries good , or bad debate ?

2.] The SBD on SteemIt needs to be removed debate ?

Feel free to suggest further topics below in the comments section. Thanks to SteemitQA for putting this together.


Hit me up, I'm always up for a healthy debate! Some other topics would be nice, but I guess I could saddle up for a PRO position on topic #1

As my wife would certainly agree, this is perfect for me. I can debate with the best of 'em. I can certainly get into the Trump issue and anything else Politics today. Also when organizing I am really good at playing either side. To me it is just about using superior logic to win but I will obviously be better if it is a position I hold. Just sayin'

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