Stephen Paddock was the Las Vegas shooter; not much is known about him, and his motives are a mystery.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Las Vegas police have confirmed that the man responsible for America's worst ever shooting massacre which occurred last night was a man named Stephen Paddock. They confirmed that he had no known criminal record and was not previously known to authorities.

Screen Shot 2017-10-02 at 18.05.05.png

ISIS predictably claimed responsibility for the attack - as they always do - but the FBI suggested that it was very unlikely that Paddock had links to the group.

So naturally, having such a an unlikely perpetrator with no obvious motive has sent the internet into an investigative frenzy; on the most unhelpful end of the spectrum 4Chan weaponised autists doxxed the wrong guy (I won't name him, as I don't want to ruin an innocent man's life), but on the more helpful side a hacker claiming to be associated with Anonymous released some confirmed information about Paddock:

Please don't do anything stupid with this info. It's for educational purposes only.


The Alex Jones Theory

Interestingly, fans of the Alex Jones Radio Show on Infowars are claiming that Jones predicted the attack last Friday as part of an attempt at an 'October Revolution'. It might seem like some tin-hat nonsense, but if you watch the video his words are remarkably uncanny.

Intriguing, but just a coincidence, for me.

How does one obtain an automatic rifle?

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It has not yet been confirmed by authorities, but gun nuts are currently suggesting from the noise of it firing that Paddock was using an automatic rifle. These are banned in the US, aside from official usage, which is very closely surveilled by the FBI.

There is a very small black market, but this 64-year-old Nevada retiree is unlikely to have the contacts to source such a weapon on the street.

So was he an insider? A former cop or FBI agent? This perhaps also gives credence to Jones' 'false flag' theory.

So many questions have arisen.

Seek answers but please be conscientious of the victims' families. Our thoughts are with them.


blessings for the victim's family.. hope such incidents come to an end some day!

I've listened to some audio of the gun shots, and the cadence that it has, sounds like one of the echo triggers, which are legal and easy to obtain. I haven't seen any police reports saying what was used, but that's what it sounds like to me.

Always a lone-wolf gunman, unhinged or radicalized... how many times are we going to go through this and hear the same conclusion.

It's been what, 24hrs?

I think the lunatic with a gun explanation is tiresome and is a simplistic explanation of events.

No doubt this event is horrific but whenever i see these kinds of events I think of how they are

  1. sensational and dominate the news cycle
    (what else is going on at the moment that we're not paying attention to?)

  2. Could this be a targeted killing of certain individuals that are covered over by the mass shooting itself?

The media is very good at directing our attention towards the stories it wants people talking about (media circus) while deflecting attention away from others.

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