WATCH: Activists Swarmed by Cops, Arrested, Phones Seized While Desecrating ‘Thin Blue Line Flag’

in #news6 years ago

 Leon Valley, TX — Police accountability activists in Texas have been  arrested, their cameras seized, and their rights violated after one of  them walked into the Leon Valley City Hall and desecrated the Thin Blue  Line flag in front of multiple cops. 

After the man stomped on the  already torn and stained flag, the group of 1st Amendment auditors were  swarmed by cops and arrested. The protesters were attempting to make a point about how the flag is  an insult to the actual American flag and how it represents the deaths  of over 1,000 Americans every year—many of whom are unarmed and innocent. 

 On Monday, the group started outside in front of city hall where they  flew the thin blue line flag upside down and then painted it red and  tore it. The protest then moved into the building where the protesters  gathered in the lobby showing police what they had done to the flag. Police claimed they arrested the the protesters because they were  “obstructing the passageway” into city hall. 

However, none of them  blocked or attempted to block anyone from entering. What’s more, police nearly took down an innocent woman—who was not  apart of the protest—while rushing in to arrest the activists. While the activists were being placed under arrest, the officers  began confiscating cameras, claiming they would be used as evidence in  the case against them. 

Although police claim the activists were  obstructing the passage, it is clear from multiple videos there was no  such obstruction. As city hall is a public building, the group had every  right to be there exercising their free speech. As PINAC points out,  the thin blue line flag, often worn on police uniforms, plastered  across their vehicles, and even hanging in some departments, is a desecration to the American flag, according to the U.S. Flag Code, which states: 

The flag of the United States shall be thirteen  horizontal stripes, alternate red and white; and the union of the flag  shall be forty-eight stars, white in a blue field.

Even more damning, according to the police accountability group, one  of the protesters who was arrested said a cop told him that they were  following orders to “go grab cameras,” which is a huge Constitutional  violation, especially since they already have security cameras that  should have recorded the protester’s actions. While we have seen people unlawfully arrested for  desecrating the American flag before, this is the first time we have  seen an arrest related to the desecration of a thin blue line flag.  

Exactly what charges all the activists are facing remain unclear.  However, what’s entirely clear is the fact that they were not harming  anyone and their rights were violated. One of the protesters noted his reasoning behind why the group chose  to do what they did. Explaining that he does not hate cops, but  explained the need to protest the institution itself. 

To criticize or present opposition to the institution of  state and federally funded law enforcement is often considered  tantamount to treason – or, at the very least, it is considered  unpatriotic. After all, we have all been told every moment of our lives  that a world without police would immediately turn into a frothing,  frenzied orgy of mass insanity and that average human beings cannot be  trusted to take responsibility for the day-to-day security of their  neighborhoods and towns. Official doctrine today demands a designated  warrior class, separate from the rest of us, to handle the protection  and care of weakling citizens. Now, it is important to note that there are, in fact many good people  working in the field of law enforcement. This is not under debate and  not relevant to the point I am about to make. The problem is not  necessarily with all the individuals who make-up law enforcement; the  problem is with the existence and mandate of the institution itself. I  personally do not “hate” cops per se (though some of them deserve to be  hated). But I do hate corrupt government structures, and law enforcement  has become the grasping arm of the elitist machine.


we have all been told every moment of our lives that a world without police would immediately turn into a frothing, frenzied orgy of mass insanity

and to prove that wrong they assembled a frothing, frenzied orgy of mass insanity!

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