Julian Assange Could "Walk Free" TODAY After Plea to London Court to Drop Erroneous Charge

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Julian Assange could walk free from the Ecuadorian embassy as early as today after he just asked a London court to drop the final arrest warrant against him stemming from a breach of bail conditions.

As the Independent reports, "Assange could walk free from the Ecuadorian embassy within hours, since he has asked a London court on Friday to drop an arrest warrant stemming from his breach of bail conditions."

Assange, for the last six years, has been persecuted and held captive because of rape allegations; allegations that the Free Thought Project has shown to be entirely fabricated by police. As TFTP reported last year, after failing to produce enough evidence, Swedish prosecutors dropped the rape investigation.

Despite Swedish police dropping the investigation, police in the UK have been holding a break of bail warrant over the journalist's head which has forced his confinement to persist.

If Assange were to walk out of the embassy without the charges being dropped, he would face the possibility of a year in prison.

However, the warrant is entirely baseless now as it stems from the extradition warrant by the Swedes—who've dropped their investigation.

Mark Summers QC, Assange's lawyer told Westminster Magistrates' Court the warrant had since "lost its purpose and its function." The now fallacious warrant serves to imprison an innocent man under entirely arbitrary pretenses. However, that could all be about to change.

“He is seeking to have the warrant of arrest discontinued because the Swedes have confirmed that the extradition warrant is no longer live," a spokesman for Britain’s Crown Prosecution Service said.

“He is seeking that therefore the warrant of arrest should be taken out as well.”

When asked if the dropped charges would allow Assange to "walk free" from the embassy, the spokesman replied, “hypothetically yes, that would be our interpretation."

Earlier this month, the British government denied Assange's request to be given diplomatic status which would've given him immunity from arrest. Now, the WikiLeak's journalist is seeking to void the arrest altogether.

One unfortunate facet to this potential victory for the journalist, however, is the fact that the United State's Justice Department is salivating over the extradition of this innocent man. What's more, the UK has refused to guarantee that Assange will not be extradited to the US if he leaves the embassy.

In April 2017, US attorney general Jeff Sessions said arresting Julian Assange for releasing classified US information was a "priority." To the current administration, arresting corrupt politicians and preventing the fleecing of Americans by special interests, takes a back seat to the silencing of a journalist who'd dare tell the truth.

To the United States government, the truth espoused by WikiLeaks is akin to treason and terrorism as it serves to make all states transparent which is an enemy to tyrants.

As Assange noted in an interview with Der Spiegel last year, WikiLeaks are not terrorists, they merely free information: “WikiLeaks is a giant library of the world’s most persecuted documents. We give asylum to these documents, we analyze them, we promote them and we obtain more.”

WikiLeaks has won more than a dozen awards across the globe for their journalism. Unlike any other news outlet in the world, however, WikiLeaks has never had to retract a story.

Also, aside from their perfect record, no one has ever been injured or put in harm's way from the information released by WikiLeaks. The only people to face consequences for the release of this information are the ones whose crimes are exposed by it — hardly an act of terror.

Assange has described the period since his initial arrest as a “terrible injustice," and noted that not being able to see his children grow up was “not something I can forgive."


When the worlds number one truth teller is the most wanted man in the world, you live in a world controlled by criminals. Julian Assange has consistently shown that he is willing to take on any and all corruption. He exposed the war crimes of the Bush administration, and the endless crimes of the Clinton regime. He has had to deal with false charges, FBI plots to frame him for rape, and the underlying fear of being droned or sniped at anytime. I will always defend Julian Assange.

"When the worlds number one truth teller is the most wanted man in the world, you live in a world controlled by criminals. "

very well said tom!

Starting with Socrates, the truth tellers have always been the most vilified. There is nothing government and immoral forces fear more than a population capable of free thought (or is it The Free Thought Project?). The masses are largely unaware that information is the number one sources of power. Without controlling the "hive mind" it is impossible for a small group of criminals to control hundreds of millions of people. This is why we see the corporate government centralize education, infiltrate the mainstream media, pressure social media companies to conform to their will, and infiltrate Hollywood. Politics are downstream from culture, and the control of information creates culture.

you seem to be a very informed individual tom. love you you think , and I wholeheartedly agree.

I wasn't informed until I recognized that the only education of value is self education. I credit a large part of my initial "awakening" to Richard Groves Podcast The Peace Revolution (his site is Tragedy & Hope - After the book of course). I started "FFRnews" a little over a year ago and that forced me to fine tune my world view through source review. I have been a big fan @tftproject and routinely recommend that people follow. The sourcing you provide in articles is truly a level above most other sites. Below is a report I did about checking sources where I specifically use one of your articles as my reference.

Shame on the Australian Government for allowing one of its citizens to be treated this way.

I didn't realise he might be released so soon. I just posted about his possible release. Looks like I might get to see if the theory plays out sooner than I thought !!!


Wow😨... Someone that is assange, for the last six years, has been persecuted and held captive because of rape allegations is going to be set free.?
Well is this because he has money or they don't have enough proof? Either way I feel like it'd you did the crime then you NEED to do the time

Even the person who Assange is alleged to have raped has said that the charges are made up by his political opponents. The FBI has also been caught in an additional plot to frame Assange as a pedophile. In the world of power, morals are non-existent. Assange is the most prolific truth teller in modern times, and because of that he has made all of the right enemies. Julian Assange is no enemy of yours, or anyone who values freedom for that matter.

Appreciate the good news! Thanks for the share.

It would be a long overdue end to this cruel and unjust punishment inflicted on Assange by the British government, on behalf of the US.

Sadly, here in his home country, we hear only ill informed derogatory remarks (passing as supposed humour) about Julian and his unlawful detention from our lamestream media. These are fed to the bought and paid for (ethically and morally devoid) presenters and panelists in crisp bullet points by the Australian American Association.

So instead of hearing about the fantastic work done by Wikileaks in exposing so many lies and misdeeds, what we really need to know is how bad Trump is, how wonderful Hillary would have been, it's all the fault of the Russians, cryptocurrencies are all a crazy Bitcoin bubble that you have have to be mad to go anywhere near, and that instead you should invest in our moderately priced housing market which most definitely not a massive bubble.

But hey, on this national day of burnt sausages going back to where they came from, I should just shuttup, eat some lamb and stop being such an un-Australian bastard ! WOOF !!

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