Gun Control Logic Fails as Cop Says He Wants Parkland Anti-Gun Activists To Be Killed

in #news6 years ago

 It was reported this week that a veteran police officer in Florida  was suspended for five days after he made a comment on social media,  expressing how he’d like the Parkland anti-gun activists to be run over  and killed during their “die-in” protest in a Publix grocery store. Coconut Creek Officer Brian Valenti took to Facebook over the weekend  to write that he hoped “some old lady looses [sic] control of her car  in that lot. Jus sayin…” The comment was made on a post about the  “die-in” protest. According to reports, David Hogg, Parkland survivor  and anti-gun activist, was in the photo on the post. According to CNN, Valenti  was suspended for violating rules on the personal use of social media,  Coconut Creek Chief Albert “Butch” Arenal said in a news release. Arenal  said Valenti showed “poor judgment.” Hogg on Tuesday called for the  officer to apologize on social media. On Tuesday, Valenti publicly apologized and the police union issued a  statement backing him up.

 “Officer Valenti is accepting of the  suspension and is not going to fight it,” said Rod Skirvin, vice  president of the Broward County Police Benevolent Association. 

“He  wishes to extend an apology to the Hogg family and any family that was  offended by his comment. He realizes his comments were insensitive and  deeply regrets what he has done.” 

The only reason this officer “regrets” his comments is because he  received a five-day suspension for them. Had he not been caught wishing  ill will to the Parkland survivors, no one would’ve ever known any  difference. 

While it is certainly fine to disagree with the stance of these kids  advocating for your right to self-defense to be stripped away, calling  for them to be killed crosses a line. One would expect police officers to be held to a higher standard and  not make comments hoping for their political opponents to be run over.  However, the fact of the matter is that police officers are human, just  like the rest of us. 

Within the ranks of police departments across the United States, we’ve seen instances of police chiefs being KKK members, calling black people monkeys while advocating their slaughter, advocating for the execution of black people, and sexually abusing people at an exceedingly high rate. Yet the police, whose bad cops are constantly exposed for raping,  murdering, and racism, are the only ones David Hogg et al. want to have  guns. By the Parkland anti-gun activists’ logic, the cop that advocated killing them—should be the only person with a gun. 

The disconnect from reality couldn’t be any more overt. Those who  advocate for the citizens to be disarmed are often times the most  critical of government, namely the president and police for being racist  and deadly. How, exactly, they rationalize disarming the citizens and having only police—who kill far more people than gun owners—to be the sole possessors of guns, is a mystery. 

The government is built on a history of racism and  oppression, yet gun control advocates want only the government—which is  built on a history of racism and oppression—to have guns.

Until logic and reason are brought to the forefront of the  conversation, the paradoxical and deadly police state will continue to  expand. Our rights will be stripped, our freedoms stomped on, and all of  it carried out under the guise of democracy. 

 We are the Free Thought Project — a hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability. All of our content was created by our team of artists and writers. Learn more about us on our website


Calling what he said "calling for them to be killed" crosses a line too don't you think? Seems like he made an off color joke but you are saying he really wanted them to be killed even though he didn't actually say that did he?

One would expect police officers to be held to a higher standard and not make comments hoping for their political opponents to be run over

He was, he got suspended for it!

By the Parkland anti-gun activists’ logic, the cop that advocated killing them—should be the only person with a gun.

I was wondering how you were going to tie it all together, nice. I made a meme to the same effect a while ago:

He didn't really say it did he. It only implies bodily harm not neccesarily killing.

maybe even just a little scare, it was open ended and obviously not a serious wish, clearly sardonic.

Again this just means that the level of training police officers get is extremely poor, new cadets and batches need to be trained more rigoursly and we need to assess their views and mental health, to see that they don't side with any ideology and their only ideology is the protection of the public at all costs.

But if you do all that then there are not enough recruits to staff the department.

I’d rather have less but competent police who follows protocols rigorously is neutral on politics and works always for th best of the public than have lots of below competent cops running around and endangering the public rather than protecting them.

you might think so but you need a certain minimum number of warm bodies to respond to the number of calls you get. Cops are not allowed to be too smart. The police have gone to court for the right to discriminate against people they deem to be too smart in hiring. Score too high on the intelligence test and they can legally refuse to hire you.

Oh god the whole system Is corrupt.

one of the arguments the police successfully used to defend the practice in court was saying that someone who was too smart was more likely to get bored and become corrupt or to abuse their power. We are lucky cops are dumb aren't we?

Calling what he said "calling for them to be killed" crosses a line too don't you think? Seems like he made an off color joke but you are saying he really wanted them to be killed even though he didn't actually say that did he?

One would expect police officers to be held to a higher standard and not make comments hoping for their political opponents to be run over

He was, he got suspended for it!

By the Parkland anti-gun activists’ logic, the cop that advocated killing them—should be the only person with a gun.

I was wondering how you were going to tie it all together, nice. I made a meme to the same effect a while ago:

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