Graphic New Videos Show a Cop Try to Kill A Man for Improperly Crossing the Street

in #news6 years ago

 Asheville, NC – Crossing the street in a manner deemed “illegal” by  the state can and will get you beaten, shot, kidnapped, caged, and even  killed. Body Camera footage was released last month illustrating this  dangerous reality. The video shows one police officer restraining a man  down while another officer repeatedly punches him in the head after they  confronted him for the “crime” of jaywalking. 

Last month, in an  extremely rare move by the District Attorney, the cop who was recorded  doing the beating has been criminally charged and arrested. Now, this week, the department has released all the video from the  attack which provides new insight into the nature of this most brutal  encounter and illustrates why the officer was charged. 

District Attorney Todd Williams announced early last month that  former officer Chris Hickman, 31, is facing charges of felony assault by  strangulation, and misdemeanor assault inflicting serious injury and  communicating threats, according to the Citizen-Times.  

Hickman then posted $10,000 bail and was released.   The department attempted to keep the video below from the public eye,  however, the city of Asheville petitioned the courts to release all the  footage related to the incident. On March 26th, a judge ruled that they  were to be released, and this week, nine videos were published online. 

As TFTP reported last month, Johnnie Jermaine Rush, 33, had just  finished a 13-hour shift at a local Cracker Barrel restaurant and was  leaving a store on his way home when he was approached by Verino  Ruggiero, an officer in training. In the Body Cam footage published by the Citizen-Times, Ruggiero claimed he had warned Rush about jaywalking. “All I’m trying to do is go home, man. I‘m tired. I just got off work,” Rush replied. 

The originally released footage was from a camera worn by Hickman, who  was in the patrol car with Ruggiero. While Ruggiero was the one  directly confronting Rush, Hickman stood on the other side of the  vehicle. “I’ve got two options: I can either arrest you or write you a ticket,” Ruggiero told Rush. 

“It doesn’t matter to me, man. Do what you have got to do, besides keep harassing me,” Rush replied. “I’m not harassing you,” Ruggiero insisted. 

"That’s all in your mind, man,” Hickman interjected. He then directed his attention towards his fellow officer and said, “Just write him a ticket. He wants to act like a punk.” 

It is clear from the Body Cam footage that traffic was light at that  time of night, and the Citizen-Times noted that the confrontation  happened near a corner were hundreds of pedestrians typically cross  without using a crosswalk before and after games at a nearby baseball  field. When Rush let out an exasperated string of obscenities, Hickman  apparently decided that a ticket was not enough. He began marching  towards Rush, pointing his finger at him and yelling, 

“Put your hands behind your back! Don’t! Don’t! Do NOT! Stop, drop the bag. Put your hands behind your back.”  

“OK, OK,” Rush responded before he slipped from the officer’s grasp and started running in the opposite direction. 

Motherf—ker … thinks it’s funny. You know what’s funny is that you’re going to get f—ked up hardcore!” 

Hickman yelled as he pulled out his Taser and chased after Rush. Rush stopped running and both officers forced him to the ground and  piled on top of him. 

While both Hickman and Ruggiero restrained Rush on  the ground, Hickman is seen on the Body Cam footage punching him in the  head several times. “I can’t breathe!” 

Rush cried out multiple  times as he was punched repeatedly and hit with the officer’s Taser  twice. 

He was taken to the hospital after the incident, and he told the  Citizen-Times that while he was there, “Hickman was abusive to him and used a racial slur.” Rush was initially charged with assault on a government official;  resisting, delaying and obstructing an officer; trespass and traffic  offenses. However, those charges have all been dismissed. 

After watching the videos below, it becomes entirely clear as to why  the charges against Rush were dropped and charges against Hickman were  brought. According to the Citizen Times, in response Monday to questions about  the videos, including the portions that appear to show Rush being  strangled, Hickman’s attorney Thomas Amburgey said, “nothing is clear  cut.” He gave no further comment.   The city released the following statement about the videos: 

Today, the City of Asheville will release nine officer  body-worn camera videos related to the use of excessive force against  Johnnie Jermaine Rush by former Officer Christopher Hickman in August of  2017. These videos are disturbing, difficult to watch and may not be  appropriate for all ages, as they contain violence and profanity.  However, in the interest of public accountability and transparency, the  City of Asheville petitioned the Buncombe County Superior Court to  release the body-worn camera videos captured the night of August 24 and  early morning of August 25, 2017. This incident has created a loss of trust within the community,  particularly among people of color. The City of Asheville understands  that there is substantial work to do to restore the public’s trust. We  have heard your concerns and feedback and we are committed to moving  forward with the help of the community. We are encouraged by the  community’s support as we implement changes towards this goal. We are dedicated to being leaders who will create a culture where all  people are treated with dignity and respect, and will hold accountable  any employee who does not conduct themselves in this manner.

In an interview on Monday, Rush asked the following question highlighting the dangerous nature of his encounter with Hickman. 

“What would have happened if he had killed me? Then what?” Rush said.

Below are the chilling videos, each with a brief description as provided by WSPA 7 News. 1. Recording is taken from the body-worn camera of Christopher  Hickman on August 24, 2017, at 11:52 p.m. The video is taken at the  Eblen Short Stop (210 Biltmore Avenue) when Officer Verino Ruggiero  first approaches Johnnie Rush about jaywalking as he leaves the  convenience store. 

  2. Recording is taken from the body-worn camera of  Christopher Hickman on August 25, 2017, at 12:01 a.m. This is the  original recording that was released by the Asheville Citizen-Times on  March 1, 2018. This recording contains violent content and explicit  language. 

 3. Recording is taken from the body-worn camera of Police Officer  Luis Delgado on August 25, 2017, at 12:04 a.m. Officer Delgado arrives  to the scene and sees a struggle between Christopher Hickman, Officer  Ruggiero and Mr. Rush. At the time of Officer Delgado’s arrival Mr. Rush  is being tasered. This recording contains violent content and explicit  language. 

 4. Recording is taken from the body-worn camera of Sgt.  Lisa Taube on August 25, 2017, at 12:04 a.m. Per the Asheville Police  Department’s Use of Force Policy, “a supervisor will respond to the  scene of all reportable incidents involving a use of force to conduct a  preliminary investigation and collect supplemental documents….” The  video contains the supervisors interactions with Mr. Rush, Mr. Rush’s  significant other and Christopher Hickman. Sergeant Taube ultimately  received disciplinary action for poor performance, and was ordered to  undergo remedial training in connection with this incident. This  recording contains violent content and explicit language.  

  5. Recording is taken from the body-worn camera of  Senior Police Officer Doug Williams on August 25, 2017, at 12:04 a.m.  SPO Williams arrived to the scene as Mr. Rush is being walked across the  street to Hickman’s patrol vehicle. This video contains explicit  language.  

  6. Recording is taken from the body-worn camera of  Senior Police Officer Shawn Parker on August 25, 2017, at 12:07 a.m. SPO  Parker arrived to the scene as Mr. Rush is being walked across the  street to Hickman’s patrol vehicle. This video contains explicit  language.  

  7. Recording is taken from the body-worn camera of  Officer Colby Davis on August 25, 2017, at 12:08 a.m. Officer Davis  arrived on the scene after Mr. Rush was taken across the street to  Hickman’s patrol vehicle. This video contains explicit language.  

 8. Recording is taken from the body-worn camera of Senior Police  Officer Shawn Parker on August 25, 2017, at 12:31 a.m. It shows SPO  Parker interacting with Mr. Rush’s significant other, as well as other  officers who arrive on-scene. This video contains explicit language.  

 9. Recording is taken from the body-worn camera of Christopher  Hickman on August 25, 2017, at 1:22 a.m. The recording is taken in the  parking lot of Mission Hospital following Mr. Rush’s release from the  hospital. The video shows Christopher Hickman, Officer Verino Ruggiero  and Mr. Rush talking about the earlier incident in the Mission Parking  lot, and then the drive to the Buncombe County Detention Facility. 

 We are the Free Thought Project — a hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability. All of our content was created by our team of artists and writers. Learn more about us on our website


Very disturbing. If they are serious about restructuring the police force. They would have disciplined the officers involved in the incidence instead of trying to cover it up. Doing that would have made the disciplined officers an example to others in the force.

Sadly coverups are standard operating proceedure in US police departments

Excellent reporting - it's almost 'bizarre world' the way (primarily) Black men are murdered by police - makes me shudder - how deep the fear. Momz

Thank you for the feedback, these stories are hard for us to cover but it is a job that must be done.

The US is a fucking police state. Poor guy getting jacked by the cops for crossing the street!!

Great news, the cops who are bad are being brought to justice, its great that the system works and they are being weeded out.

the problem is that they will just be replaced by people who are willing to follow the same orders

Yes, they will be replaced by those willing to follow the orders not to violate people's civil rights coming from their superiors or they too will be made examples of. The problem is not those people, it is the orders, mostly in the form of gun and drug laws, you don't mind them arresting rapists and murderers right?

yes but the rapists and murders are a very extreme example and are not the majority of the people who deal with cops and have their rights violated by them

if a cop were truly "good" he would not obey orders to vioate peoples rights, and instead they would only go after thieves rapists and murderers, but that doesnt happen, so every person in the equation is guilty, the law giver and the law enforcer

mostly they deal with drunk drivers and wife beaters and don't violate anyone's rights. You keep publishing stories about those who do and get in trouble for it, it seems counterproductive to you trying to prove that the system is so corrupt that it must be torn down. They seem like stories of the system working and justice prevailing under the status quo.

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