Cop Suspended After Facebook Post Selling Coffee Mugs With Pics of Incapacitated Citizens

in #news6 years ago

  Carbondale, Illinois – A police officer was suspended after he was  caught attempting to sell mugs that featured a photo of a local homeless  man passed out on the ground. While profiting off of the misfortune of  others is nothing new, it sets a dangerous precedent when the profiteer  is someone who is supposed to “protect and serve” the public.   Appearing on the mug was a photo of a man whose hair was in  dreadlocks. He was passed out asleep on a log, with a small seemingly  empty baggie beside him. 

The implication was that the man got drunk and  became incapacitated—so much so he was likely unaware someone was taking  his photo. Also unclear is who exactly took the photo. But what is  known is that the man, known as “Tanner,” is a local fixture around the  town of Carbondale. The unnamed officer’s actions are now the subject of an internal  investigation. He has been placed on administrative leave with pay  pending the outcome. 

We at TFTP interviewed a few people and asked what  people thought of the mug and the way it was supposedly taken. The  people we interviewed were outraged someone would attempt to profit off  of the socioeconomic status of others. ”Whoever took that picture of the drug addicted homeless man is just a dick,” said Jennifer H. 

“That  guy probably had no idea his picture was being taken and if someone is  making money off of his image, that person should give a large share of  the profits to the man so he can hopefully get the help he needs.” After we told her the person who is attempting to profit from the  sale of the mugs is believed to be a police officer, Jennifer said, “That makes him an even bigger dick!”  

She told us the scene reminded her of Antoine Dodson’s news broadcast  interview, which the Gregory Brothers took and auto-tuned into a viral  hit. While the public reveled in the mockery of a very real attempted  rape scenario, Dodson was able to profit from his interview going viral,  earning enough money as he said, “to move my family from the projects.” 

The Gregory brothers split the earnings 50/50 with Dodson who later made several appearances on television shows. The story of the officer who was apparently attempting to profit off of a homeless man was first reported by the Southern Illinoisan with several people commenting both for and against the officer’s actions. 

To the cop apologist, police seemingly can do no wrong. A comment left by “Cato the Youngest” wrote, “A Carbondale citizen was selling coffee mugs with a photo taken in the public space. What is a problem here?” 

Another comment left by IRB204 said, “I agree it is insensitive but nothing the officer should be fired for.” While it may be true that no crime was committed, the sad reality was  not lost on others who took a more judgmental view.

 Gregg Todd wrote, “Cruel. A Carbondale cop is being investigated for selling mugs featuring a troubled citizen who appears intoxicated. Someone  who treats homeless and troubled people this way should not be a cop.  In the meantime, the cop is getting a vacation at taxpayer expense.” 

According to a report from SILTV, the Carbondale Police Department is considering disciplinary procedures and “CPD  says they take these matters seriously and claim if found to be valid,  may lead to disciplinary measures in accordance with the City and  Department Policies and Procedures.” The identity of the reportedly mentally-ill alcoholic man is Jason  Tanner. 

His identity was ascertained from comments gathered on the “WTF? Carbondale”  Facebook page. Many of those who know Tanner had a lot to say about the  insensitive actions of the Carbondale police officer. Chelsea Houston  commented: 

Are they using that money to pay for the tickets they  continue to give this poor man? Probably not. Let’s exploit a mentally  disabled alcoholic man for profit though. Nice job Carbondale Police  Department… I also watched them not let him have his shirt back once  after ripping it off of him and giving him a fine when they know he is  harmless. Regardless, he is mentally disabled and doesn’t deserve to be  made into a joke.

After having to defend herself from cop apologists and others who  attempted to characterize Tanner as an “anarchist” and a “protagonist,”  and someone who didn’t have a mental illness, Houston concluded: 

Again, that’s fine, but as someone that works with people  with disabilities and have witnessed alcohol addiction very personally,  I find this unacceptable for the local police to get away with.  Besides, fuck the Carbondale police. Tanner’s not a joke, that’s my  point. He’s a solid dude that means well and deserves to be treated  better than he is in his town. Okay, the cops have helped him. I have  also witnessed a lot of the opposite when I was the assistant managers  at RollNUp here in town. He’s a goofy dude but fuck, he still deserves  respect. This isn’t respected to me. I respect everyone else’s opinion  totally, personally I think it’s cruel.

No police officer should ever be allowed to profit off of the  misfortune of those he is sworn to protect and serve, which also  includes protecting the man’s identity from people who may want to  profit from his visage. In this case, the man who is supposedly employed  to protect the homeless man is actually exploiting him—all for the sake  of a few laughs and a fistful of dollars. 


The police have no right to behave this way. There may not necessarily be a law against taking someone's picture and selling it, as once you take it, you can claim that it's your picture, even if using someone else's identity.

The argument therein lies in the morality of his actions, which are absolutely deplorable. Police are supposed to help people. Or as you said, protect and serve them, not take pictures of them in potentially one of the worst states of their lives, and then making mugs and a profit.

And the second question is who the hell is buying these mugs?

This is twisted and deranged.

Is there a caption or anything or just a picture? It is pretty hilarious, that guy would make a great meme. Sadly I was unable to find the original image online. If you don't want people making fun of you for passing out in public, if in fact he was not making fun of the whole city for having passed out people laying around in public, then don't pass out in public. Who was harmed?

The truth is always a positive defense to accusations of defamation.

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