Conspiracy Theorists Proven Right as TSA Body Scanners Rolled Out at Subway Stations

in #news6 years ago

 Los Angeles, CA — For years, those who have been paying attention to  the ever-expanding police state that is the United States, have been  warning of the slippery slope of TSA expansion. For years, these same  people warned that TSA would soon be present at bus stations, malls, and  subways. 

And now, this has begun to happen. Indeed, the Free Thought Project predicted this years ago when several  U.S. senators from both sides of the aisle expressed their desire to  make travelers lives’ a veritable hell of red tape and insidious  surveillance by increasing putative ‘security’ for rail lines, highways,  and marine routes by adding presence and screening procedures at  Megabus depots, Amtrak stations, and more. 

Now, it is finally here. According to a press release  from the TSA, they have “partnered with the Los Angeles County  Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) to deploy a new advanced  portable passenger screening technology that will help detect weapon and  explosive device security threats on the county’s transit system.”

 The Los Angeles Metro system becomes the first transportation agency  in the United States, according to TSA, to purchase such “an advanced,  high-tech security device” — ironically from the agency responsible for strip searching babies, removing colostomy bags, beating up blind cancer patients, and fondling your genitalia, all in the name of security. 

For now, the scanners will not be deployed like they are in airports  in which travelers wait in gruelingly long lines only to be exposed to  radiation and groped by the infamous blue gloves one by one. Instead,  the Thruvision machines, coming in at $100,000 each, will scan every  single passenger as they walk through the machine and pick up on the  waves emitted by the human body. Not surprisingly, the scanners will be easy to beat because they  require waves emitted from the human body to reveal hidden objects.  

According to the TSA, “the devices identify objects that block the  naturally occurring waves produced by a person’s body. When an object is  hidden in clothing or strapped to a person, these waves are blocked and  detected by the system’s software. The software generates generic  avatars and creates either a black spot on the area of the body where  the item is concealed or overlays a color indicator.” As Reason magazine reports, 

Because they rely on those waves emitted from the human  body to reveal hidden objects, these scanners can only detect things  that people are carrying on their person. In the case of terrorism  prevention, that would be suicide vests or maybe pipe bombs (like the  one used in an unsuccessful attack near the New York Port Authority Bus Terminal in December 2017). A would-be terrorist with any kind of guile could get around this  security precaution by simply carrying an explosive device in a  backpack.

The scanners are merely one more step toward a totalitarian state in  which Americans are intimidated as they attempt to travel freely—and  their ineffective nature highlights this perfectly. Nevertheless, the TSA is taking this landmark police state measure and using it to pat themselves on the back. 

“TSA applauds the leadership of L.A. Metro for its proactive efforts  to evaluate, procure and use state-of-the-art technology designed to  detect potential threats to the transit system,” said TSA  Administrator David Pekoske. 

“TSA is pleased to have been a partner  during the evaluation and testing process, which ultimately led to the  purchase of a recommended system to help detect and deter potential acts  of terrorism while keeping the traveling public safe.” 

However, if we look at their actual history at keeping people “safe,” the TSA has failed miserably. 

An internal investigation of the TSA in 2015 revealed “failures at dozens of the nation’s busiest airports, where undercover investigators were able to smuggle mock explosives or banned weapons through checkpoints in 95 percent of trials.” 

But fret not free Americans, the TSA will likely be coming to a bus  station near you to employ their $100,000 scanners that can’t even stop a  bomb in a book sack, but that give the impression that the all seeing  eyes of the state are everywhere—a move far more powerful and  influential than any terrorist detonating an IED in a bus station. 


They don't buy the scanners from TSA, that's stupid, mostly the TSA is a scam for Mike Chertoff to sell scanners, Mike Chertoff was the head of the company that sold all the rapescan* machines to TSA, machines that not only do not work as well as metal detectors, they never even deployed half of the machines, taxpayers bought them from a former government officials company so they can sit in a warehouse unused.

The homosexuals at the airport miss like 95% of weapons so obviously this is just security theater. the idea is to condition people to blindly accepting authority who have never been in the military or prison. This is how you dehumanize people, random and unnecessary naked scans. Of course the TSA only targets the middle class and poor people, rich people fly charter flights, they can keep their shoes on and bring their guns and of course they don't ride buses or subways.
Note how the TSA has not yet caught even one fucking terrorist.

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Well if the NSA actually did their job we wouldn't need any more security measures but since the NSA ignores criminal cartels, mafias, pedophiles, terrorists, corruption of politicians&corporations via text messages, emails, phone calls, and all other forms of communication they intercept what do you expect? New World Order for the sheep who allow it. Stay silent eat your GMO food and watch your brainwash box. It's called the American dream because you have to be ASLEEP to dream it.



And let's round out the thought process.

EVERY major city is pushing for a light rail/transit system, even though no system anywhere can break even and are just boondoggles of government waste. To try to make them work, there is also a push for more smaller living spaces in the city near the transit hubs. By controlling people's movement, they control their freedom.

And we all just sit back and let it happen. The more I read this crap the more urge I have the next time Im waiting in line to be groped, to speak out!

Boiling inside of me.

I always do, so now I am on the secret list of passengers to be harassed. I had my person searched 4 times on one trip home. Each time they claimed I was randomly selected! Remember that the TSA must provide you a screener of the gender you "IDENTIFY" as. ;)

Reality is becoming more and more like a dystopia from some science-fiction story...

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