China Reportedly Rushing Troops, Tanks to N. Korean Border in 'Preparation for War'

in #news7 years ago

Washington, D.C. - A dramatic influx of Chinese tanks, soldiers, and military trucks has been reported in the Chinese border province of Jilin, which shares a border with North Korea, according to reports from the Daily NK.

The reports indicate that China’s People Liberation Army (PLA) forces have been building up military assets around the Tumen River in Yanji city, Jilin province.

“There were so many soldiers in the car that there was a lot of traffic. I have not seen so many soldiers trucking to Yanji so far,” a source told the Daily NK.

Another source said, "Chinese troops are gathering around the Yalu and Tumen rivers. It is also heard that the tanks are moving to the North and the Chinese border."

According to the Daily Star:

People’s Liberation Army (PLA) forces are said to have been moving by night towards China’s river border with the North.

And Chinese commanders are reported to have recently conducted the so-called “war ceremony” – urging their troops to be ready to fight.

Columns of PLA trucks have been pictured on the move near Yanji City which is close to the triple border between China, Russia and North Korea.

Sources cited in Chinese media claimed the PLA are “preparing for war on the Korean Peninsula”.

China would be expected to use its military forces to help quell a flood of refugees should the US attack North Korea.

Beijing would also be expected move into the rogue state to seize assets, and potentially have China join war on the side of North Korea.
The report clearly indicates that China is preparing for a war on the Korean Peninsula.

Adding credibility to the media reports, leaked documents from China’s main state-owned telecommunications company hint that Beijing is anticipating an influx of war refugees, according to Defense One.

The leaked documents reveal the Chinese government is readying three villages and cities in the northeastern border province of Jilin as designated refugee camps, and preparing for a flood of refugees from North Korea if war breaks out on the Korean Peninsula, according to a document obtained by Radio Free Asia.

According to a report from Defense One:

The document, dated July 7, was produced by China Mobile, the giant state-owned telecommunications company — specifically, by the branch that serves Changbai County on the North Korean border. It says the company was conducting “pre-communications security work for North Korean refugee camps” in the region — specifically, testing signal strength at five potential “refugee settlements,” Radio Free Asia’s Huang Xiaoshan and Lin Guoli write in their Dec. 7 report.

When Huang and Lin asked officials with China Mobile and the local government about the document, they denied that the work was related to the construction of refugee camps. But the RFAreporters wrote in a subsequent Dec. 7 report that they had confirmed the plan’s existence.

Four days later, a China Mobile spokesman appeared to confirm the reports. Contacted by The Express, a UK-based newspaper, the spokesman said, “The government has ordered these settlement points. But don’t worry, no one is panicking here.”
Zhang Liangui, a professor of international strategic research at the Communist Party’s Central Party School said, “it is highly possible that there is a conflict between North Korea and the United States now. What China does here is to be prepared for any kind of situation happening on the Korean Peninsula,” according to Zero Hedge.

Revealing the extreme direness of the situation on the Korean Peninsula, a state-run Chinese media outlet based in a province bordering North Korea and Russia — the Jilin Daily — published a “common sense” guide for surviving a nuclear war last month, according to Reuters.

Although the full-page article of guidelines doesn’t specifically mention North Korea, the warning was clearly a result of the increasing tensions between a nuclear-armed DPRK, and the United States.

The influential Chinese state-run Global Times described the article as a public service announcement due to the situation on the Korean peninsula.

“If war breaks out, it is not possible to rule out the Korean peninsula producing nuclear contaminants, and countermeasures must be seriously researched and spoken openly about to let the common folk know. But at the same time, there is absolutely no reason to be alarmed,” the Global Times noted.

Tensions with the U.S. have increased dramatically since North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test in September. Nearly a month ago the DPRK launched a Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which demonstrated a theoretical capability to conduct a nuclear strike anywhere across the whole of the U.S. mainland.

As reports of China massing military forces on the North Korean border near the Tumen River spread, North Korea has now announced they are now preparing to test their largest ICBM to date.

Incidentally, the Chinese government has previously said that they reject military intervention, but in the event that the U.S. launches a preemptive strike on North Korea -- the Chinese military WILL intervene in defense of the North.

What could possibly go wrong?


The USA military complex is itching for a war, and I'm afraid Trump will not hesitate to give it to them. I doubt the Chinese will back the North Koreans against the USA in an all out war. The economic repercussions for China will be very severe.

Not only will china suffer, it's something we don't wish to happen at all, as we really don't know the repercussions on all of us.

We need peace,, we need decentralization to avoid such displays.

Why the war Why kill innocents who are not guilty should live in peace and security

This is very sad. This president is cruel and ruthless, my God

I do think NK is running out of time. When things go down it will be quick and precise. I think the world will be surprised at how things transpire. I think the old regime of Kim Jong-un will be thrown down and NK will be open for a while during the interim. Time will tell but my speculation is that the world will be surprised at how easy the transition takes place. It will be similar to the Berlin wall coming down in 1989. No nukes, no big bombs but yet the wall fell and so will NK.

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