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RE: My Quick Assessment of Trump’s Response to the CW Attack in Syria

in #news7 years ago

Considering the fact that Trump's father was a John Bircher from the beginning (read about the JBS reporting about false-flags, and how Communist China was aided in his rise, by US + Wall Street interests), I'd like to believe that Trump's comments about pulling troops out was a ruse to trigger the deep state to uncloak and take action - action that would ultimately paint the deep state into a corner, and show themselves for treasonous trash that they are. If we can get anything from QANON, it is that ALL communications by the "clowns" and their associates are being monitored.


I hope your right @texagonia. That would
be a huge move if he could pull that off!

Events are moving rather rapidly. I think I have the sequence right. If not please correct me. 1. Massive anti-Russia propaganda for months and months, 2. Trump announces pull out of Syria, 3. Super Hawk, John Bolton appointed, 4. False flag gas attacks (isn't this the 4th time this has been tried or is it just the 3rd?), 5. Trump comes out in tirade against Assad and Russia, 6. Joint Chiefs consult on what action to take against Syria/Russia. 7. US Navy sends destroyer off coast of Syria where Russia has a naval port/base. What's #8? If Trump is not dancing to the tune his masters (and ours) are playing, I'll eat my shorts. No, it's time to admit Trump is a puppet. Perhaps an unwilling one but still a puppet. I sincerely hope I am mistaken.

I hope you are mistaken too!
Here's another post you might
take an interest in Re: same topic.

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