False Flag Steve Scalise "Shot"

in #news7 years ago

Another very eery seemingly staged and most likely fake shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise in Alexandria, VA this morning.

Supposedly he was warming up for "baseball practice" ... on a Tuesday?...

lmfao. If you watch this full ABC news segment it's like watching a poorly made movie with really bad actors and heavily induced propaganda.

This seems like a cut scene from GTA it's so fake ... More propaganda to make civilians hate each other, confused, and generally reliant on "those in power" to help them and give them answers.

"Terrorism" is rich white people. Stay Woke .


ya that shit was so fake
just ike sandy hook LOL
I HELD MY DEAD SUn WITH A BULLET IN HIS HEAD WAHHHH" ahahah i KNEW that guy was lying before peopel even fact checked his lie abbout seeing his dead sonn hodling him when the fake corener claimed "We have the best photoograohers" saying the parents didnt get to see the kids that da of the shooting LOL

also they seemd to have alll the dead kids burried in one big mass grave out in some ditch in the forest?

what is this shit lol its like they are like trying to see who is dumb and who is smart

peopel who know about false flags ARE the illuminati LOL

Lol right???? I feel you on the "they are trying to test and see who is dumb and who is smart"... things have been getting increasingly more obviously fake to me (all the london "terrorist" attacks....) and more "horrible and unpredictable" to normies like my parents. Some great divide is happening lol

All i know is im gonna keep pointing out what i see and hopefully im on the good team and mr. rothschild lets me come sit at his dinner table and tell stories :)

just upvoted ur sposts and comments

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