Ancient Metropolis Discovered on Greek Island of Keros! Advanced Plumbing and Metal Work

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Archaeologists excavating an ancient pyramid-like structure on the Greek island of Keros have found evidence that its creators were far more sophisticated than previously thought.

A manmade network of terraces and buildings constructed out of more than 1,000 tons of imported white stone, the massive monument took up practically every inch of the Dhaskalio promontory that was once connected to the Greek island of Keros.

A gleaming white monument rising up out of the Aegean Sea.

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New research on the 4,000-year-old site has revealed a range of impressive features, including a complex series of drainage tunnels, and metalwork that was “unusually sophisticated” for the time.
Archaeologists will return to excavate an intact clay oven, found at the very end of the last season.

The first evidence of metal-working was found in excavations 10 years ago. The new finds have uncovered two workshops full of metalworking debris, and objects including a lead axe, a mould for copper daggers and dozens of ceramic fragments from metalworking equipment including the mouth of a bellows.

...The team located a complex system of plumbing under the structure's stairs and within its walls.

This shows the islanders carefully planned and built their architecture; their sophisticated drainage system dates back 1,000 years before other known systems. Future testing will determine if the plumbing was meant for freshwater or sewage.

...Complex system of drainage tunnels – constructed 1,000 years before the famous indoor plumbing of the Minoan palace of Knossos on Crete.

Portion of the reconstructed Minoan palace, Knossos, Crete, Greece.
Peterak- Encyclopedia Britannica

According to National Geographic, the soil is still being investigated, and the archaeologists are hoping to find burnt wood or seeds, plant remnants, and the bones of fish and animals. Further chemical analysis on pottery and grinding stones could also provide clues about food production and consumption on the island.

All the resources that have been found on the island would have needed to be imported. The tons of white stone that made up the monument would have likely been brought in from Naxos, an island located more than six miles away.

With its dense population and plentiful imported resources, the island would have been an important, central location for Cycladic islanders.

"It just gives this impression of being a very cosmopolitan and international place,"...


Here we have another find that indicates the ancients were more tech savvy than previously thought. At least they aren't saying that the "scientists are baffled" on this one. They just consider it "unusually sofisticated".

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thank you steemit.png


Pyramids everywhere, even in the arctic and space so... our historybooks are so damn wrong ^^

Man i want to go to greece again when i see such stuff.
It's a little too hot for me but still a pearl.
Take care buddy :)

Thank you for stopping by! If you go to Greece, we must see photos of your trip!
I love all these new ancient discoveries. Very exciting!
Take care!
great day gif.gif

Great article. I'm always on the look out for these kinds of finds and can't believe I haven't come across this one before. Upvoted and followed!

Thanks for stopping by! Yes- So many new ancient cities and things being discovered! They recently found another Metropolis in Guatemala and I think another in Mexico that I haven't looked up yet. This Lidar is great!
Nice to meet you here! Followed you too! :)

Excellent! Yeah, I've been reading about the recently discovered hidden metropolis. What a trip. And since this post is still live, I'll respond to your other one here -- I feel like the energy (ley) lines that may connect all the ancient pyramids was probably one of the first things I came across that really sparked my interest into all these ideas. It's crazy how all these more recent finds seem to making everything older and all the older civilizations, considerably more advanced (relatively). Good stuff.

Thanks for responding! Indeed Good stuff!! I want to take one of Brien Foerster's Hidden Inca Tours one day- FUN FUN FUN!!!

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