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RE: Child "Victim" of Syrian Gas Attack Comes Forward, Says He Was Given Food to Make Fake Video of Attack

in #news6 years ago

In all honesty I don't think it ever will. Their hate for one another over there is only overcome by the hate of foreign intervention. Take Iraq for example, they could come together to fight a enemy worse then themselves to each other (ISIS), agree to come together to form governance of more equality towards one another when it was all said and done for only to turn around and start fighting each other again after they ran ISIS out.


Come on you have to look deeper. Its the old school class warfare personified. Nothing new under the sun! You submit or they will crush you. This has been going on for 1000s of years not centuries.
These people of this so called"upper class" have one distinction over all of the rest of us. They have no conscience. They breed accordingly and keep that Psychopath family history going, birds of a feather flock together.

Isn't that the shitty thing about human nature? At seemingly every turn, we collectively stand to benefit in huge ways if we could all just give a little, not feel as though our slice of the pie has to be bigger. But instead we travel down the same worn path, time and time again, even though it results in evermore pain, destruction, sadness and division. I always like Tool's "Right in Two" (the lyrics specifically) it articulated this concept very simply:

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