
What i worry about (to the shitless level) is that the US will try to counter it's economic and geopolitical decline with military measures. The latest wars have not offered more stability... right the contrary actually.

Yes, I do actually, but not in the sense that the US will not still be a big and important country. It has just lost it's head start. It's also true that the geopolitical strength that derives from the armed forces still makes it an important player. But I do question, just like this post, that this war-cycles can continue to prevail (unless of course we end up in WWIII with nukes).

I think that there is big problems in the US economy. Over the last 20 years, maybe even since WWII US has lost importance in the economy. The greatest economic force is the creation of a middleclass, and China, India, Brasil and the African nation will benefit from this many years ahead. The problem with the US economy is that it does not seem to be able to sustain the middle-class as solidly as the rest of the western countries, and I am rather sure that the dollar will be replaced as reserve currency while oil is phased out.

In the end I think it will all be to the best for the US people. Military might is good for a conquering people, but the earth is getting a little too small for such enterprises. A strong, free medical system can easily replace the military as economic and technological redistributer. It does so in most other western countries.

I was thinking in jobs and national investments. Having created the Chinese middleclass could also be called paying for... I did not only think of BRICS, more like the general economic tendency that makes us talk about BRICS. The problem is that the US aristocracy not really feel obliged to lead the money back into the country again. Higher taxes and a common medical system would :)

EDIT: ... And for the oil, I think the market will switch faster than you expect. A lot of industry people does.

But who knows... It's complicated stuff

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