VICE: Why are there so many black people in Far Cry 5?

in #news6 years ago

I fucken kid you not this is an article that Vice paid Dexter Thomas to write:


It is like every day is April fools with these video game journalists, this is also a reminder that you would never be able to appease these people. They are so desperate for something to be angry at that when they get their way, they find something else to be angry at. We aren’t even a paragraph into the article and we get this gem of a comment:



Wait, fucken what!? Far Cry prides itself on realism? Ah yes, the game that you restore health lost from fall damage by popping your dislocated thumb back into place. I also guess that is why you have a pet Bear and Cougar in Far Cry 5 and why the final boss in Far Cry 3 was basically a giant ghost wearing a tiki mask. So I am guessing Far Cry is a super realistic gaming franchise alongside games like DOOM and Wolfenstein. Which begs the question:


What the fuck do you people want?! First there isn’t enough black representation in video games, and now there is an over-representation of black people in video games. Jesus Christ on a Jetski can you make up your fucken minds already! I doubt at this point you even know what you want. First, you piss and moan about not being represented enough in games like Kingdom Come: Deliverance. And now you piss and moan about there being to many black people in Far Cry 5. Seriously?! And these people sure as hell did not say anything about Far Cry 2, which took place in Africa. Where you ended up shooting and interacting with more white folks than black, despite the entire game taking place in Africa. Where was your outrage and wokeness then?

Remember Resident Evil 5? Too many black people in Africa. First, people like you wanted realism in favor of inclusion, now you want realism because it might make minorities look bad. You wanted black people in medieval Bohemia but not in Wyoming, well guess what motherfucker? They had the same black to white ratio, who would have thought right?!


Would you rather let them be stereotypical Glock wielding ghetto gangsters? I mean if you are going to be having that train of thought, best we go all the way with it and not leave it half finished right? Well, buddy boy welcome to the club my friend, you want to be treated like everyone else then you better hand in that minority club card you have been carrying for so long. And maybe throw that victim card in the dustbin, you can’t hold onto that minority card of yours all the while wanting the same treatment as everyone else.


I am not so sure we played the same franchise, Far Cry has never claimed to be realistic or authentic. I am not American, but I am pretty sure you don’t have cults running around shooting up your states, and people flying airplanes with mini guns attached to them and wildlife running rampant attacking everyone onsight. If that was the case where do I sign up? Video game journalists like Dexter are probably the most race-obsessed people on the planet. They can only view a video game through a black and white lens. Having said that what type of, self-absorbed human being is it that watches a movie, reads a book, or plays a game and thinks “wait, where am I in this story?”…


Some people have made careers from finding victimhood and bigotry in the benign. People who read this thrive on outrage and when nothing legitimate can be criticized, authors like this manufacture controversy where none exists.

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