Scores killed after Taliban attacks on military checkpoints in Kandahar

in #news4 years ago

Dozens of Taliban fighters were killed in fierce overnight fighting between Afghan forces and militants who attacked multiple checkpoints in the insurgent bastion of Kandahar, officials said Sunday..

“Thanks to God… I have started on the road to recovery,” the 75-year-old said a day after the first anniversary of his election.

“It may take two or three weeks but, God willing, I will recover all my bodily strength.”

The video was broadcast on state television and published on Tebboune’s Twitter feed.

He did not indicate his location, but his Twitter feed indicated that he was outside Algeria.

Tebboune, a heavy smoker, was hospitalised in Germany on October 28, and Algerian authorities later announced that he had the Covid-19 illness.

It said the military operation on Friday and Saturday aimed to destroy or drive out enemy forces responsible for the deadly attacks on Azeri servicemen.

Yerevan said Armenian forces had repelled attempted intrusions into territories supposed to remain under the control of the rebel province’s government, namely the Hin Tagher and Khtsaberd villages.

“The provocations of Azerbaijan continued today in the direction of the villages of Mets Shen and Hin Shen in the Hadrut region,” Armenia’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

In another statement, Armenia’s defence ministry said: “negotiations between Armenian, Russian and Azerbaijani servicemen are underway to resolve the situation in Hadrut and ensure the return of the parties to their former positions”.

Russian peacekeepers deployed in the conflict area have reported no major clashes but said at the weekend there had been one ceasefire violation.

Azerbaijan’s State Security Service said that “unfounded accusations against the Azeri side and the Russian peacekeepers by some Armenian leaders and media” were unacceptable.

The Armenian foreign ministry said Russian forces were not deployed in the area where the clashes broke out.

Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kementerian Luar Negeri RI menegaskan kekerasan di Afghanistan harus dihentikan karena hanya akan mengikis upaya perdamaian dan kepercayaan di antara rakyat Afghanistan.
Kemenlu mencatat kekerasan terus terjadi di Afghanistan dengan korban tewas dan terluka mencapai lebih dari 6.000 orang tahun ini.

“Kita harus segera bertindak dan tidak bisa lagi menunggu. Kekerasan di Afghanistan harus dihentikan karena hanya akan mengikis upaya perdamaian dan kepercayaan di antara rakyat Afghanistan,” tegas Menlu RI Retno Marsudi, dalam pernyataan resmi, dikutip Minggu (22/11/2020).

Pernyataan tegas ini disampaikan Retno dalam pertemuan Arria Formula Dewan Keamanan (DK) PBB mengenai Proses Perdamaian di Afghanistan, yang diselenggarakan secara virtual pada Jumat lalu, 20 November 2020.

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Pertemuan dipimpin oleh Menlu Estonia dan dihadiri oleh Presiden dan Menlu Afghanistan serta Menlu Qatar, Finlandia, Norwegia dan Jerman.

Pertemuan ini pun menghadirkan sejumlah briefers, di antaranya Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Deborah Lyons; anggota tim negosiasi Afghanistan, Fatima Gailani; dan Asia Director dari International Crisis Group, Laurel Miller.

Menlu Retno menekankan pentingnya proses perdamaian di Afghanistan yang Afghan-owned dan Afghan-led, serta menempatkan masyarakat Afghanistan sebagai sentralnya.

Untuk merealisasikan tujuan tersebut, Menlu RI menegaskan tiga hal penting.

Pertama, kekerasan harus segera dihentikan, karena mengancam proses perdamaian dan menggerus kepercayaan masyarakat Afghanistan.

Kedua, masyarakat internasional harus meningkatkan kontribusinya dalam membantu proses perdamaian di Afghanistan. Peningkatan bantuan internasional dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan situasi yang lebih kondusif di lapangan, meningkatkan kapasitas Pemerintah, sekaligus menopang ekonomi masyarakat Afghanistan.

Ketiga, sinergi antara berbagai Lembaga PBB perlu diperkuat untuk bisa lebih membantu proses perdamaian di Afghanistan.

Sinergi ini tidak hanya penting untuk menciptakan situasi yang kondusif di lapangan, tapi juga untuk lebih melindungi kelompok rentan, termasuk dalam hal pemberdayaan perempuan. Seluruh lapisan masyarakat harus dilibatkan dalam proses rekonsiliasi dan pembangunan negeri.

His absence had sparked concerns of an institutional crisis, weeks after voters approved a revised constitution on record low turnout in a referendum widely seen as a manoeuvre to neutralise the long-running Hirak protest movement.

Tebboune has been unable to sign the revised constitution into law because he must be on Algerian soil to do so.

He also has until December 31 to sign off on a 2021 budget.

But he said Sunday he was following developments in Algeria “day by day, if not hour by hour”, and noted progress in cutting the country’s daily toll of coronavirus infections.

Visibly thinner than before and wearing a casual jacket, he sat at a desk next to an Algerian flag.

Economic woes

Tebboune won last year’s widely boycotted December 12 presidential election, following months of mass protests that had swept his predecessor Abdelaziz Bouteflika from office.

Tebboune’s prolonged disappearance had reminded many Algerians of Bouteflika’s frequent hospitalisations abroad.

Last month’s constitutional referendum, timed to coincide with Algeria’s 1962 independence from France, had been seen as a bid to boost Tebboune’s legitimacy.

But with the president overseas and the Hirak urging a boycott, the vote saw even lower turnout than the election that brought Tebboune to power.

His absence came as Algeria faces a sharp recession due to the coronavirus pandemic and a gaping budget deficit due to low crude prices that have slashed the country’s vital oil revenues.

Tebboune has promised to fight for a “strong and diversified” economy and work to wean the country off oil.

He vowed Sunday that “no citizen on a low income will be hit by new taxes.”

Tebboune has also reached out to the “blessed” Hirak, which staged over a year of mass protests until it was forced to suspend them amid coronavirus restrictions earlier this year.

But his administration has overseen a crackdown on dissent.

Prisoners’ rights group the CNLD says around 90 activists, social media users and journalists are currently in custody, mostly for social media posts.

“Tebboune could have created legitimacy, launching large projects of political, economic and institutional renewal,” Charef said.
"The security forces repulsed the attack, killing 51 terrorists and wounding nine," the ministry said, without offering details of any casualties among government forces.

Seven members of a family were also killed in an Afghan air strike in one of the districts, a local official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

"The Afghan air force wanted to target a car filled with explosives... when they hit the car it detonated and caused civilian fatalities," he said.

The ministry of defence said it was investigating the incident.

The fighting lasted for several hours through the night, marked with continuous gun battles and heavy bombardments, an AFP correspondent reported from Kandahar.

When contacted the Taliban did not offer an immediate comment.

The southern province of Kandahar is the birthplace of the hardline Islamist movement, and over the past few weeks militants have launched attacks in districts on the outskirts of the city of Kandahar, the provincial capital.


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