Between Forest Burning And Indonesian Law

in #news6 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemians ,,
Still remembering last month on October 3, 2018, a number of figures visited the Banda Aceh High Court.

Their arrival as court friends (Amicus Curiae), to submit a document containing their opinions regarding an appeal case between the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) against PT Kalista Alam (PTKA). A number of figures preparing the document are Prof. Emil Salim, Prof. Drs. H. Yusny Saby, MA. Ph.D, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Humam Hamid, MA., Prof. Dr. Syahrizal Abbas, MA., Prof. Dr. Mahidin, ST, MT, Mawardi Ismail, SH., M. Hum, Suraiya Kamaruzzaman, ST, LL.M.MT, Syarifah Rahmatillah, Farwiza Farhan, Nasir Nurdin, Ir. T. M. Zulfikar. MP.

This effort was carried out in response to a legal process dispute over the case of the burning of Tripa Swamp land by PT Kalista Alam.

Many irregularities are exhibited. To the extent that the Supreme Court's decision can easily be ignored.

It should be noted, PT Kalista Alam is the perpetrator of the burning of 1,000 hectares of Tripa peatland which was convicted by the Supreme Court, but is now being pardoned by the Meulaboh District Court.

The decision was criticized by various groups, including local and international observers. "PT Kalista Alam has been proven guilty under administrative, criminal and civil laws by the court and the Supreme Court. If a District Court can oppose the Supreme Court's decision, this is very absurd," said Farwiza Farhan, Chair of the Forest Foundation, Alam and Aceh Environment (HAkA), which also became a fact witness in the trial against PTKA in the previous case.

Through this Amicus Curiae, it is hoped that the court's door will be opened again to the environmental case, for the sake of the law. "We hope that the opinions, information and input that we conveyed through Amicus Curiae received consideration from the Panel of Judges for the enforcement of justice and welfare for the people of Aceh," said Mawardi Ismail.

At present, the MoEF has appealed the case to the Banda Aceh High Court, but there has been no news regarding the continuation of the trial at the Banda Aceh High Court, what is behind all that, everyone must be amazed by this reality.


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