The real truth about the Trump Intelligence dossier and the MI6 Agent involved!

in #news8 years ago (edited)

When will the Fake News stop?

We went from the accusations of 'Trump supporters voted twice' which in fact it was proven Hillary supports were voting in different states with different ID's on a massive scale, (look up Project Verita's video evidence), not to mention all the illegals that voted as well for Hillary.

The paid protesters at Trump rallies were another sad attempt, they even went as far as posting adverts in craigslist, and I'm not talking about the fake posts, I'm talking about the real proven craigslist posts, which you can Google easily enough.

The paid riots funded by George Soros and the DNC came after Trump won, some of the riot leaders weren't even American citizens, Yet again a sad sad attempt to start a civil war and have congress take action against Donald Trump who they said was causing unrest. etc etc

Don't forget Lying Jill Stein's heroic attempt to 'get to the bottom of all this', along with her fake agenda, which turned out to be a fraudulent way to cash in on an election she had no chance of winning.

Then we got to Russian hacking, EVEN THOUGH, Obama and Hillary said before and during the election, IN FACT right up until Trump won, they were banging the drum that there was no way the elections could be hacked, that there was no interference proven of any kind that Russia was trying to sway the results., Don't believe me?

Check this out:

All of the above has been a pathetic attempt to try and De-legitimize Donald Trumps Presidency.

There is more but thats for another article.

Now we have # GoldenGateShower, for all who aren't aware, which can't be many, this is the low down.

A report was released by fake news outlet Buzzfeed and then promoted by CNN, in this report they claimed to have received a dossier from an ex-Mi6 agent, later to be revealed as Christopher Steele, In this Dossier it claimed that the Russians have compromising video footage taken in a Russian Hotel room of the President elect that could be used to blackmail him which would pose as a national security threat.

In this supposed video, Donald Trump is alleged to have hired female prostitutes to urinate on the bed that President Obama slept in and also each other and finally on Mr Trump himself, the report also implicated other members connected to Donald Trump.

Fair call on the National security threat, it would be a threat.

If it was true.

The more I investigate this story the more ridiculous it becomes, for instance, the 'Intelligence report' contains a truck load of errors, miss-spelled names, wrong locations, dates and times that simply don't correspond, just load of false information.

Apparently the former spy is regarded as top in his field, if that is the case, there is something to be said about British Intelligence and MI6.

It's corrupted and failing.

Even the Russians said this whole thing was ridiculous and not true.

Now to Christopher Steele's credit, I found out he was involved in the investigation that uncovered corruption in FIFA, exposing Sep Blatter, As a Soccer fan, I am thankful for this.

So what happened here? why does this dossier have so many errors, miss information etc?

Even Frederick McCarthy Forsyth CBE who is an English author, former journalist and MI6 spy, and occasional political commentator, has publicly said that this is all 'made up'.

Check out what he has to say, he raises some very good points

Another thing that bothers me is everyone is saying Christopher Steele is on the run now because he fears for his life, this kind of doesn't make sense to me.

Everyone has a copy of the dossier, so we don't need to get another copy off him, its confirmed he was paid by the Democrats and Anti-Trump supports, we know he ran the 'investigation', we know we wrote it and gave it to the FBI.

He's so out and exposed it would be pointless killing him, hes not wanted by any officials. there is no arrest warrant, nor has there been any threat or attempt on his life.

I believe he is on the run from the ones who paid him, he is more of a threat to those people than the people this made up report accuses.

The only real reasons he is on the run is A) He's scared of who paid him, they would be getting a bit nervous now the dossier is being proven fake.

And B) Because the dossier is fake, this is of course a crime and he will face prosecution and jail time.

Mark Dice brilliantly lays out the situation in this video, I recommend you follow him on YouTube and Social Media.

What do you think? hit me up in the comments below and if you agree with me give an upvote, keep supporting alternative news media, we tell the truth the way its meant to be told.


not to mention all the illegals

No person is inherently illegal.

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