The Bowling Green Massacre | What really happened

in #news7 years ago

The Bowling Green Massacre or better phrased 'Bowling Green Incident, Kellyanne Conway was referring to and the media is pretending never happened was reported by ABC News who detailed that the U.S. government’s alarm was raised in 2009 when officials realized that two Al Qaeda, Iraq terrorists with bomb-making expertise had been living in Bowling Green, Ky., as refugees.

The duo, Hammadi and Alwan (Pictured aboved) had been caught on an FBI surveillance tape talking about using a bomb to assassinate an Army captain they'd known in Bayji, who was now back home – and to possibly attack other homeland targets.

Their plot could of lead to a mass massacre of people.

That case forced the Obama administration to stop processing applications from Iraqis seeking safety in the U.S. for six months in 2011, ABC reported.

She didn't 'make it up' she mislabeled the case, instead of saying 'Massacre' she should of said 'case', 'incident' or even arrests.

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Barbero, who headed the military's Joint IED Defeat Organization said about the incident. "How did a person who we detained in Iraq -- linked to an IED attack, we had his fingerprints in our government system -- how did he walk into America in 2009?"

That was her point.

This just furthers the case that proper vetting is IMPORTANT!

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