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RE: Is Trump Pushing Germany and Russia Together?

in #news6 years ago

...and because of all of this 'they' try to dethrone Trump since the beginning. Don't get me wrong: I'm not a Trump fanatic. For me he's just another president of the US that sooner or later will give in to the pressure on him (or did he already?). As he just doesn't manage to sell his damn fracking gas in Europe he needs some other ways to keep us down (and accept the Nordstream pipeline).

The points you mention about the NATO are reasonable to me. With 610 billions USD for military investments, his 'space force' and several black projects there might be no reason to have any NATO bases in Europe any longer. But for what I've heard some time ago, at least the German bases, like Ramstein, are financed by Germany (!) but entrance for (German) journalists is not allowed. So: Which money exactly is he saving there? And at least Ramstein is needed to make war via drones. Additionally there are a lot of Special Forces in Germany that each and every US president has needed and will need for making 'politics' (in essence I highly value their skills, but all in all they are puppets for politicians). So: I still don't get his point in what he's doing now. What did I miss?

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