What Pisses Me Off About Kevin Spacey

in #news7 years ago

After being accused of making a sexual advance on Star Trek: Discovery actor Anthony Rapp when he was 14-years old, Kevin Spacey claimed he had no memory of a decades-old incident and came out as gay which serves to deflect the accusations.

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Is this steemit account confirmed to be the authentic Stefan Molyneux channel?

If so, link me to some proof please, be cause i cant find it...

Thanks, I dont have a Twitter acc. so i missed that...
And ofcourse I only wanted to support the 'real' author!

''He raped a child !''
''He's gay''
''oh, okay then''

Everyday conversations .... o.O

How much longer do you think they can keep up with those stories ?

he thinks because he gay it makes it ok according to the left

"But Kevin Spacey apologized, so everything is fine". Whether the allegation is credible or not, the fact that pedophilia is undermined on the mainstream media and overshadowed by the announcement of one's sexual orientation gives you insight on the unfortunate state of this gangrenous generation.

What I don't get is that we are supposed to believe that although in incident of abuse mentioned today that this was the only time Spacey molested a boy in a drunken state. Come on now!?

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