[FEMINISM] Saudi Arabia and the Silent Feminists

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Saudi Arabia was just elected to the UN Women's Rights Commission, and the feminist Swedish government refuses to answer wether or not it gave Saudi Arabia its vote. This confirms that Sweden is de-facto allied with Saudi Arabia, just like Sweden an American vassal state, but with some greater maneuvering space. It also raises interesting questions about feminism. On twitter the news aroused strong reactions, but I quickly noted that it was primarily men who responded with revulsion, and that few of them seem to be feminists. The most popular feminist tweeters didn't have anything to say about it. How should we understand this?

The question we face is what sentiment actually manages to animate contemporary feminism. If we ask Freud, man is neither particularly rational nor honest, so we shouldn't seek the answers in what feminists say openly. Rather, we should look for the answer "between the lines", in what they don't say. Nor should we seek the answer too far back in time; feminists 100 years ago were often eugenics for example. No "eternal feminist" exists.

Contemporary feminism is distinctly political if we assume Carl Schmitt's friend-enemy distinction as the central concept of politics. Thus, contemporary Western feminists fails to criticize patriarchal phenomena linked to the immigration heavy suburbs and Islam. From this conscious avoidance to criticizing some, we can also conclude that criticism is a political act when it comes to contemporary feminists, a choice of who's the enemy.

The evidence soon indicate that the enemy of contemporary feminism isn't really patriarchy, since it has such a selective relationship to it. Nor is the enemy men in general. It's Swedish, European and Western men who are the enemy of contemporary feminism. What this is due to can be discussed; important elements are that the movement grew at the same time as the civil rights movement and anti-colonialism. Most Swedish feminists also have the most experience of Swedish men, such as fathers, brothers, ex-partners, etc. It's normal that Swedish middle class men compete with middle class feminists in terms of career.

From this I conclude that it's not very strange that Swedish feminists vote for Saudi Arabia to join the UN Women's Rights Commission or that they put a lid on the honor violence in the suburbs that affect so many women. The struggle against the "patriarchy" is but rhetoric. The struggle against the Swedish man is reality, and to relativize his guilt by introducing Saudi Arabian men into the equation, wouldn't be profitable. Of course, I can also conclude that contemporary feminism in a transformed demographic reality is extremely obsolete. Something that anti-feminists as well as feminists will gradually discover if they haven't already done so.



I think feminists would have been against all men if not for a fear of being accused of racism.

i think all the world must be feminist because be feminist is believe in equality between mens and womens, not against the men

then why is it that most feminists aren't criticizing imported "honor culture" and nations like Saudi Arabia, but are rather enabling it?

It is a smokescreen for getting your own trunk into the coffer. By enabling "minorities" access to state-violence enabled funding, you are keeping the public eye away from the money you yourself are sucking out meanwhile. Children, old, the roads, libraries...collectivism in general, is the tool you can hide your own hypocritical parasitism covered up behind !

It's just politics. Nor should we go to give advice when our policies invalidate the facts. And Swedish society is fairly egalitarian.

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