February 13 - U.N. WORLD RADIO DAY – Sponsored by Fake News Mafias

in #news7 years ago

In this series, the sugar coating from UN International Days is candidly removed.  

My translations are in bold and italics



UNESCO’s Executive Board recommended to the General Conference the proclamation of World Radio Day, on the basis of a feasibility study undertaken by UNESCO, further to a proposal from Spain.

Translation:  The UN Indoctrination, Pseudo-Science, and Cult executive parasite board recommended to another bureaucratic gang a proclamation of World Radio Monopoly Day.  This was done under yet another wasteful study financed by stolen funds.    

A wide consultation process started in June 2011, carried out by UNESCO. It included all stakeholders, i.e. broadcasting associations; public, state, private, community and international broadcasters; UN agencies; funds and programmes; topic-related NGOs; academia; foundations and bilateral development agencies; as well as UNESCO Permanent Delegations and National Commissions. Among the answers, 91% were in favour of the project. 

The leader of the project, the Academia Española de la Radio, received over 46 letters of support from diverse stakeholders, including the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB), Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC), the Caribbean Broadcasting Union (CBU), the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the International Association of Broadcasting (IAB), the North American Broadcasters Association (NABA), the Organización de Telecomunicaciones Ibeoramericanas (OTI), BBC, URTI, Vatican Radio,   

Translation:  A wide bureaucratic process started in June 2011, carried out by one of the most influential UN parasite groups.  It included all corporate and government communications monopoly stakeholders; UN parasite gangs; topic related think tanks/money laundering charities; confirmation bias academia; money laundering change agent institutions; bilateral destruction agencies; as well as other dark occult organizations associated with UNESCO.  

The front organization leading the project received 46 pre-written letters of support from other front organizations/union gangs, including Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Mafia, the African Union of Propaganda, and a boatload more of BS filled rosy-sounding mafias, all of which answer to the same bankster/corporate class of parasites.    

The date of 13 February, the day United Nations Radio was established in 1946, was proposed by the Director-General of UNESCO.

Translation:  The date of 13 February, the day United Authoritarian Radio was established in 1946, was decided by a high ranking fascist of UNESCO, who valiantly closed his eyes and pointed at a calendar to make this decision.    

The objectives of the Day are to raise greater awareness among the public and the media of the importance of radio; to encourage decision makers to establish and provide access to information through radio; as well as to enhance networking and international cooperation among broadcasters.

Translation:  The dark occult objectives of the day are to indoctrinate the tax slaves with corporate, statist media; to encourage local authoritarians to only allow radio stations we approve of; as well as to further consolidate the power of the global media oligarchy.    

The consulted stakeholders also proposed ideas for the programme of celebration: extensive use of social media, annual themes, a dedicated website enabling virtual participation, special radio programmes, radio programmes exchange, a festival involving key partners, and others.

Translation:  The groups of fat cats we consulted with also proposed ideas for a brainwashing day disguised as a party:  extensive use of online social control applications, cheesy themes, a dedicated website enabling a more hands-on brainwashing experience, special radio mind-control programs, and an expensive back-slapping party for our corporate masters.    

UNESCO’s General Conference, at its 36th session, proclaimed 13 February as World Radio Day.

On 14 January 2013, the United Nations General Assembly formally endorsed UNESCO’s proclamation of  World Radio Day. During its 67th Session, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming 13 February, the day United Nations Radio was established in 1946, as World Radio Day.

Translation:  A wide-range of psychopathic control freaks and misguided dupes spent countless hours to decide to have another useless pseudo-holiday that nobody knows of or cares about, in yet another attempt to try and make themselves feel powerful and important.    

If you want to dig deeper into the telecommunications mafia, here are steps I took to do it.

On the World Radio Day page (the first link in this post) I clicked the Resources tab, which gave me  this page.


From there, I clicked in the bottom left hand corner, “Radio Regulations” link and got this


I was now on the ITU homepage and I said, “Oh, ITU.  What is that?” It's the International Telecommunication Union.

So I dug around their website and found their member lists, which include a host of corporations and communications unions (mafias).  See for yourself in the following two links.



And just what are these gangs involved in? Does it affect you? Well, according to their own website, they influence areas such as….




Climate Change 

Gender Equality 

Youth And Academia

See for yourself….


Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from wikimedia



Very good and interesting content. we need no parasites, no slavery and we need especially no banksters. So make SBD of steemit to your local currency and bitcoin to the next world reserve currency. Maybe then we could have a better world.

Thanks for the comment. I would love to see SBD adopted as a payments system in some capacity. An open market of competing currencies would be a positive step to the side of liberty for sure.


Wow mate great post upvote done bt plzzz mate upvost my post too

re-steemed Because FUCK THE UN!

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