Stabilitas Flashpoints - News for 03 Jan 2017

in #news8 years ago


Stabilitas Flashpoints

January 03, 2017
Stabilitas uses artificial intelligence to ingest and analyze news reporting from around the world. Flashpoints is an automated collection of notable events that have been identified by our machine learning logic and labeled as significant.

Stabilitas Flashpoints - January 03, 2017

Forest fire destroys homes in hills above Chilean port city and 8 other sources
Fire brigades, soldiers and forest workers were in the hills combating the fire, which was fueled by winds up to 25 miles per hour (30 kph), low humidity and high temperatures.

Russia flags war games with US ally Philippines and 7 other sources
The Philippines had for decades been one of the United States' most important and loyal allies in Asia.

Officials: US Customs System Outage Causes Wait at Airports and 9 other sources
He said that officers were working to recover quickly afterward but even short outages can lead to backups at the airport, one of the world's busiest.

What are Stabilitas Flashpoints?

The purpose of 'Flashpoints' is to bring reporting that might be lost in the wake of more prominent stories to the surface and aid security professionals in keeping their team safe and informed.

Sometimes the computers get things wrong, so please let us know what you think.

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