Xi Jin Ping China's President Moves to Remove Two Term Limit for Presidency

in #news6 years ago

The president of China may actually make this happen this time as he has consolidated more power than any other president in China since Chairman Mao.

This would allow him to be president for the rest of his life. Now contrary to what many western people think they know about Chinese politics is that they are democratic, it's just that not everyone can vote. To be able to vote you must be a party member, there are over 90,000,000 party members in China. Party members guide the country from the grassroots level all they way up to the top, most are farmers. This means he could still technically be voted out at some point.

The likelihood of getting voted out is extremely slim. As anyone who does not side with him throughout his leadership could be labelled corrupt and removed political office. So once you're president in China without a mandatory limit on your presidency it's reasonable to assume the leader could be in power for a very long time.

I do not oppose endless leadership so long as the leader is continuously and legitimately voted in. As long as the will of the people want someone to be their leader that person should not have any limitations on the number of years they can do their job. I get that there are many reasons to enforce such a rule. Like in America it is also two terms but a term is only 4 years maximum rather 5 years in China. The problem I have with the American system is it only caters to two parties while claiming to the world they have many; the Republicans and Democrats, the others are called independent and they never do well.

So far from a Chinese perspective Xi Jin Ping has been doing a pretty good job. Most can't complain on his policies or how Chinese citizens feel better off now than they did before. Not only are people thriving Xi also has made huge improvements in environment protection and air pollution in many cities. He is making trade deals with with pretty much anyone and giving poor countries loans so big with no deadline to be paid back to gain votes in the United Nations, he only continued that habit from his predecessor.

I do hope they stick to the two term policy given that not all citizens get to vote. I think that should be a stipulation that all Chinese citizens and Canadians living in China get to vote. Otherwise keep things the way they are. Things are going pretty good for everyone here, generally speaking.

What do you think?

Regardless of how they are doing they are doing while keeping the country unified and more people are becoming home owners then ever before.

All other images are google grabs, fair and square.


I don't have much idea about politics... but i can told you my opinion that they are doing better i think...

Politics might be better now than before in some countries.

Yup, kinda knew this was gonna happen.

It was pretty evident from the last general assembly still kind of out of left field. Hope he sees what is best for the masses vs what is best for himself.

I am going to come off as angry sounding. And not against you. But in the time to come, I am actually going to have little patience for Americans who complain about the state of Chinese political system while we have an orange tanned shitbag orgutan who lost an election running America. Fix your problems at home before complaining abroad and internationally. Of course, this is not aimed at you, since you are Canadian and actually have a functional government. more or less a rant to clear my head. Thinking outloud... =D

Well, first if you think we Canucks have a better functioning gov I must say our propaganda machine is better than yours. It must just come with democracy and capitalism. We're just more submissive and less in touch, generally.

Canada's political system actually compares, we have 3-4 parties that matter the rest are dreamers the majority wants in power but can't have because... lobbyists. There are a ton meme going around humiliating our Prime Minister because he is clearly a stooge.

china should use its population as its power @solarguy

They do in so many ways. They export citizens to other countries and then after time they get citizenship and can vote accordingly.

power corrupts.

it does, but not if i was king of the world.

you must be unique then.

everyone would get a new pair of socks 3 times a year because you know fresh socks always makes people happy.

unimaginable wealth!

Despite the successes Xi Jin Ping might have recorded, there shouldn't be a need to want to be a president for life.

From Africa's experience, those that made such moves did to stifle competition and further exploit the people.

If his predecessors had introduced this, would he have stood a chance at becoming president?

It happens all too often though from what little I understand about African elections is they are not all that legitimate. I hear a lot of voter fraud goes on. This happens everywhere at some level but one thing that stands true regardless of elections is that if the majority of the people are suffering or feel injustice then the leader is in power through corruption at some level.

I couldn't agree any less with that last statement. May be we need something more than just democracy that will indeed give power to the masses or may be we need leaders all the world over who would be more committed to the tenets of democracy.

we need more of both. In democracies the people running for office don't actually have to do anything they say they will do during their campaign. Once they are in they are free to do whatever they want. We need politician to be accountable for their campaign promises.

I’m very glad I started following you, because you post is really good

Yikes. Potential global game changer! Good post and thoughtful input, especially as that would eventually make Thailand just a suburb of Beijing. Like I said.... yikes!!

As far as China is concerned Thailand and all surrounding countries are just lost provinces. Sucks cn doesn't see the orld for what it is or could be. They literally teach their kids China is Asia. No joke.

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