Today's socialists, dream of Acting like The Nazis they so admire!

in #news3 years ago

The totalitarian soul of liberals begins to break through with the push for mandatory coronavirus 'vaccine' injections! With their "need" to monitor our kitchen appliances, our phones, and control our thermostats; is anyone surprised when they want to control our bodies too?

Article with a view of liberals that should concern Every Sane person:
They are pushing Hard to force vaccines on everyone, up to and including getting the DOJ involved! You can google that, I'm trying to keep this a manageable length.

Image from article quoting Dr Ron Paul:


The researcher who invented this type of injection, opposes it's unrestricted use without more testing! Apparently, this was supposed to be a research tool, that would not limit the catching of the Chronavirus, but was simply intended reduce the severity of the infection.

The actual inventor of the mRNA injection that big pharma is now mass producing in their attempts to ‘fight Covid’ according to Wikipedia, Dr. Malone is now blowing up the ‘twitter-verse’ with one tweet after another ripping the globalists ‘vaccines are the answer to Covid’ agenda into little bits and pieces.

BUT what does HE know? He only Invented it!

Warning in one viral tweet that ‘They (the FDA) needed to measure duration, distribution, and amount for the spike protein. The FDA never did this; one of our researchers did. They found spike protein is still circulating 5 months from vaccination in 100% of patients tested (6 people; random pick)’, we’re not surprised that Malone’s life is being threatened for going totally against the globalists narrative.

A Family member received a vaccine because he trusted the CDC, and his work required it to work unmasked. Now he is (according to the science) a super spreader because of these sharp proteins; and he is coughing up blood! The herbals that knocked out the virus in a day, dozens of times in varying age victims; so far have NOT helped him! They have used him as a petrie dish to make a more virulent contagion.

Someone should go to Prison for this!

As Dr. Malone had warned previously in a youtube video arguing against the use of the ‘experimental injections’, a video which YouTube deleted, “the government is not being transparent about the risks” of the injections, and now we see why with more and more of the fully vaxxed falling ill, and some even dying.

It would be interesting to see how many of the hospitalized covid patients are "vaccinated"; and if as it appears, how much higher acuity (how much sicker) these "vaccinated" patients actually are....

Then this article exposes the real sickness involved with these vaccines:

So with the left continuing to push for mandatory ‘vaccinations’, and at a time when the actual inventor of the mRNA ‘vax’ they’re pushing Americans to take has come out strongly against it, even far left The Daily Beast recently put out this story titled “Experts Slam Joe Biden’s Unconvincing Push For Coronavirus Vaccine Mandates”, reporting Biden’s White House isn’t even enforcing their own mandates.

Sauce for the this case just speeds him to the dinner table! The liberal gander, who has often asserted that they want a 90% reduction in World population; apparently will have nothing to do with this specific "sauce". They must know something they are Not publishing!

The hypocrisy of these power mad fiends, is obvious in this quote:

With that a perfect par for the course for a group of people pushing ‘rules for thee but not for me’, the pure smugness, arrogance and hypocrisy from the left continues to be hammered home by those who’d love to lord over the American people but will never be able to do so over people with 450 million guns. Wonder why the left wants to disarm Americans? ‘Wannabe-tyrants’ clearly hate the 2nd Amendment and ‘free people’.

THESE ARE the people our Founding Fathers WARNED US ABOUT! They are the reason the limiting documents called the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights; were written two and a half centuries ago!

We can NOT keep the First Amendment (or any other Amendment, for that matter) without the support of the Second Amendment acting as a foundation! That is why the liberals MUST destroy the Second Amendment, in order to take total control over All of us; to avoid the counter application of force!

Question everything...and Never trust a politician!


Ron Paul was the last mainstream politician that I actually believed in and it was truly amazing what the "system" did to silence him including labeling him as a racist really early on because an article was written ABOUT him by a group with ties to racist groups. He didn't even know the article had been written until it was pointed out to him. He then proceeded to denounce the publication over and over again but the damage the media intended was already done because they didn't talk about the fact that he didn't authorize the fact that it was written, just that it was in the first place.

Since anyone can publish anything they want about any politician (or anyone else for that matter) this was truly egregious, but to the mass media consuming horde none of this mattered.

The MSM sold it's collective soul decades ago; and character assassination is a favorite political tool! They have destroyed Many a good Man with lies, and fake stories.

Too damn many sheeple believe their feces!

The MSM has zero legal protection if they lie, so they need to be sued into insolvency!


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