A good list of things to consider when prepping for the upcoming SHTF event!

in #news3 years ago (edited)

I found a good article on prepping, and decided to share it! This site is solid. and I've learned good stuff from them. Get on their email list, you won't be disappointed!

Here's the link to the full article:

Image from article:


Since liberals have stated many times that their goal is a 90% reduction in the World's population, the following takes on a lot more weight!

The plandemic engineers and mass murderers will be exposed and stopped. Much like the Third Reich, their conspiracy to exterminate the human race will ultimately fail, and now we’re starting to see a tipping point emerging, leading to a global backlash against Fauci, Daszak, Gates, Soros and all the others who took part in this global human extermination agenda.

He is correct in that we will ALL be pulled into this mess soon! The liberals are driven to force their wills onto others; with an internal drive to control every aspect of everyone else's life! They are incapable of self control, and Hate any freedom for others!

Put another way: We are going to win, but we’re going to go through hell before we get there. And there’s no doubt in my mind that tens of millions of Americans will be slaughtered by the covid vaccine mass murderers, with hundreds of millions dead worldwide before this is all done.

I fear this is accurate, and it also appears to be their plan for us all. Any opposing political views are targets for their violence, they are currently imprisoning Conservatives for the "Crime" of having the "wrong" political view! They imprisoned a Man today, for 8 months; for just being in the Capitol building on the 6th, walking peacefully!

In this article, they provide a comprehensive list that is valuable for prepping; please read and comment. This list is only a starting point, and every prep will look different, based on individual needs and abilities!

Full list of 50 items for survival and victory

  1. Rural land in red county, red state, preferably not at sea level
  2. Access to water via non-electric means
  3. Water filtration, including a gravity filter
  4. Soil, seeds, fertilizers and tools for growing food / sprouting
  5. Stored food to get you through (don’t forget freeze dried fruits for nutrition)
  6. Large volume of salt, and some spices like pepper
  7. Cooking: Boil water, wood stove, solar oven, grain grinder, rocket stove, pans, pots, cups, etc.
  8. Shelter (house, tent, cabin, RV, shack or whatever you can manage)
  9. Cordage: Ropes, twine, string, fishing line, 550 paracord, zip ties, bungee cords, rubber bands
  10. Fire starters, magnesium rods, storm proof matches, etc.
  11. Knives, blades, edged weapons, hatchet, axe, mallet, sledge hammer
  12. Community: Make friends, visit farmers markets, establish friendly relationships
  13. Firearms and ammo for security (22 LR, 9mm, 5.56, etc.)
  14. Gold and silver (junk silver) for barter, maybe some cash. Barter items: Alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, 22LR ammo, fuel, seeds, toilet paper
  15. Radio communications including two-way and a hand-cranked radio
  16. Stored fuel: Diesel and diesel vehicles for emergencies
  17. Emergency medicine and antiseptics, including iodine, chlorine dioxide, colloidal silver, manuka honey and emergency dental, charcoal, ivermectin, hydroxy, artemisinin (sweet wormwood)
  18. Bandaging, gauze, clotting, tourniquets, wound bandaging
  19. Pandemic PPE – masks, visors, body suits, plastic sheeting, liquid sprayers
  20. Herbs, essential oils (lavender, peppermint, oregano, tea tree), herb seeds and ultrasonic cleaner for extracts, vodka, etc.
  21. Honey, paraffin, glycerin, beeswax, vitamin E, things to make salves, lotions, medicines
  22. Night vision / thermal observation equipment (look at AGM brand for affordable thermal monoculars)
  23. Thermal blankets for anti-detection by thermal imaging including drones and robots
  24. Lights: 18650 batteries, LED lights, headlamps
  25. Perimeter defense and alert tech (motion sensing lights) and dogs
  26. Ballistic vests, slings, gear to carry magazines
  27. Backup stash and bugout plan with a smaller version of your stuff at the bugout location
  28. Topo maps, printed maps of your area
  29. Signaling equip: Mirrors, whistles, compass
  30. Silent defense: Crossbow, suppressed weapon w/ subsonic rounds
  31. Reference books / hardcopy: DIY projects, homesteading, food preservation, firearms assembly
  32. Paper, pencils, erasers, pencil sharpeners, envelopes
  33. Personal care supplies: Toilet paper, hygiene products, eyeglasses, soaps, deodorant, etc.
  34. Food preservation: Drying, salting, canning supplies
  35. Off grid transportation method such as a bicycle or quadricycle
  36. Low-tech heat system (wood stove, kerosene space heater, etc.)
  37. OTC medicine chest items: Anti-itch, anti-diarrhea, painkillers, blood tests, bug spray, etc.
  38. Solar battery bank to charge and run devices, including batteries, flashlights, mobile devices, etc.
  39. Off-grid electricity: Tractor PTO, or diesel generator, or solar
  40. Spare batteries, chargers, 18650 batteries and devices where possible
  41. Sewing, repair, tape kits, glue, safety pins, clothespins, so you can repair clothing
  42. Rugged shoes, shoe repair equipment such as shoe goo
  43. Containers: Buckets, barrels and bags, glass bottles, jars, medicine containers, with tops, water pouches, trash bags for waste, and thick bags for human waste
  44. Tools: Electric and hand drills, volt meters, hammers, shovels, rakes, gardening, barbed wire, T-posts, saws, multitools
  45. Aluminum foil, wax paper, parchment paper, plastic wrap
  46. Plumbing repair, PEX pipes, crimps, cutters, connectors
  47. Off-grid activities, radio shows, MP3 files, books, games, cards
  48. Spare parts for cars, appliances, etc. filters, oil, gasket repair goo, tire plugs, rubber patches, epoxy glues, resins, bonding agents
  49. Fishing gear: Rod, reel, string, hooks, etc.
  50. SKILLS, skills, skills. Know-how. DIY. Learn how to repair and maintain everything you own.

My list is much more involved on their number 13, including reloading supplies, air rifles, black powder, and flintlocks.

I also am stockpiling steel and other metals, plus cutting tools for my machine shop. This includes blacksmithing and metal casting tools.

Since I know how to design using vacuum tubes, I have pulled in a stockpile of them to use in the event of widespread EMP damage. My ham radio equipment includes a full set of vacuum tube based communication equipment.

17 and 18 skirt the need for a comprehensive First Aid kit, and I recommend books up to the most aggressive medical procedures you are comfortable preforming. Use your best Judgement here, this is a Critical piece; needed for long term survival!

The single largest gap I see here, is food preservation supplies and tools. You need them now, so you can practice with them and get Good at the entire process! Can some now, and you can even add to your food storage while practicing!

50 is the single most difficult, and the MOST Important to pursue! You should also make sure you have as much in knowledge in print, as you can get! Electronic storage will be unreliable at best, so don't count on it for survival!

Storing critical backup electronics in a Faraday cage is wise too. An easy way to do this is to use an old microwave oven, with the cord cut off; as a storage container. It was designed to keep heavy microwave energy inside the oven, and it will work equally well keeping EMP energy out!

Play to Your strengths, find people to cover your weaknesses, and keep a low profile for you and yours! We will all go through this together....

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