Google Chrome Is Discreetly Scanning All Files on Your PC

in #news6 years ago

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A number of Google Chrome users recently became aware of the fact that not only does their browser allow them to surf the web, it also quietly scans their personal files without prior consent.

This development came to light when cybersecurity expert Kelly Shortridge noticed that Chrome actually scans files located in the Documents folder on her PC.

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It is freaking time to get rid of everything facebook, google, twitter (at minimum)


It is freaking time to get rid of everything facebook, google, twitter (at minimum)

Quite right — all of that garbage has to go @smidge-tv:

The entire Silicon valley is one gigantic twilight zone . And that is not really surprising that much , what is surprising is the speed we got here . From 'freedom & democracy' to this total darkness ....

Silly Con Valley :)

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