America's Elite Thinks They Have God Given Right ...

in #news6 years ago

To Rule The World



America’s ruling class has a curious attitude to democracy. It seems to be interpreted as something that’s good for the US and its allies but bad for critters who won't accept their role in the ‘America-led international order.'


What ?






Not only do Americans not hide the fact that they are influencing foreign countries' domestic politics, they are even bragging about it.
Some weeks ago Joeseph Biden was publicly explaining how he forced Ukrainian puppet president Petro Poroshenko to fire some attorney general in order to receive $1 bln loan in return.
Hillary Clinton was once recorded saying something like "In that region there will only be elections, if we know who's gonna win and that person being loyal to us."(IIRC it was about Palestine).

Anf if it wasn't enough already they even make comedy movies about how they are supposedly doing it.
I highly recommend "Spinning Boris(2003)":

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I guess because it is either the Americans or the Russians.

Russians what ?

running the world.

what exactly they did to make you feel that way ?

They ran the world in all the places where we didn't. But I am being unfair, the Chinese have a lot of ambitions. How is it to be somewhere they are running? Like North Korea?

if you want to know how it feels to live in North Korea you would have to pack your bags and spend some time there .

Russia & China are offering business and development . In my country China is building roads and bridges currently , Russia gas pipeline .

What is west offering ?
looting & wars

yeah, the Russians and Chinese have always treated their colonies great. Peace and prosperity wherever communism reigns.

little coward , for decades you live on borrowed money and you call yourself successful .
get ready creditors are coming for their dough


colonies !? when was the last time Russia or China invaded someone to steal their resources ?

Stop giving lessons to others , China is asking 'WHERE IS THEIR MONEY' ????

They want it back !!! Show them how successful you are/were .


Which specific Russian colonies are you talking about, bob?

You got a 5.24% upvote from @allaz courtesy of @smidge-tv!

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