Do not fall for fake apps

in #news7 years ago

Every time an operating system receives a great update, many people have their eyes on their news, especially if we talk about Android and iOS. In the case of this last operating system, we have found the arrival of animojis, some emojis that are placed on the user's face to send it to contacts via iMessage or through social networks if it is recorded in video format.

Animojis are fun for many people, but not everyone has an iPhone X, so one of the things that is usually done is to find an alternative for Android. This some developers know and create applications that are completely false and, in some cases, can bring malware.

As much as we look, there are no animojis on Android

The first warning we want to give is that there are no animojis in Android, this is something that, for now, is exclusively for the iPhone X, and is limited to the iMessages app (unless you use the video format, which also share it on social networks). Some developers will take advantage of that many users do not know this to "strain" apps that pretend to make us believe that they perform the same function.

Yes, if we search for Google Play we will find a few applications, but we must be careful because some of them may have hidden malware. Fortunately, at the time of writing this article is not known of any case, but it is already known that there is a small group of developers whose intentions are not very good.

Maybe in the future we can see animojis in Android, but for that specific characteristics would be necessary in the cameras of the mobiles, at least the same as those of the iPhone X. Until then, or until you find a way that does not so many requirements are necessary, it will be necessary to wait and settle for other options such as those offered by Instagram.

Much advertising and malfunction

To check for myself, I decided to install some of the best rated Google Play, and thus confirm that there is no animoji worth in Android. In addition to accepting more permits than you should, most of them have too invasive advertising, they work poorly, or both at the same time.


Even the only one that worked moderately well and did not put me advertising to anger, did not comply with bringing animojis. Yes, I put an emoji on my face that reacted according to certain gestures, but the result is not what can be expected. There are other applications that do the same and do not intend to attract us with that of the animojis.


In conclusion, we recommend not installing any of these applications that promise to bring animojis to Android due to the excess of permissions that are requested and the risk of bringing malware inside. First of all, in these cases we must leave the hype aside and prioritize the security of our data.

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