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RE: WATCH: Cops Set Up “Bait Truck” In Low-Income Neighborhood To Entrap Poor People In To Stealing

in #news6 years ago

A hungry mob is a angry mob . If you leave your cake out in the rain it's gone , you can't blame the rain for that . So keep your trash nikes and railroads on your own roof's and lawns if you don't want them stolen .


And we'll never have that recipe again!
Anyone in America can get all the food they want for free. They obviously go down to steal from the trucks on a regular basis, let me get this correct we are to blame the victims of thieves? Nothing was left out, freight was in a freight trailer in a freight yard, freight thieves were busted stealing freight, this is a non story.

Everyone has his own irresistible cookie-jar , even you , as you don't wanna leave a truck loaded with szceshuian hot dip sauce parked unattended near me .
We all know how to trap a rabbit , so a desperate man you trap with what he despairs the most . It's not a non story , it's a question , can they do this , i think they can't cause it is not the solution to the problem . It's creating one big prison .
I bet if they put the right jar down for you they can catch you to .

Nope, there is nothing I would break into a freight yard and break into a truck to get. Why defend people who are just straight up cargo thieves?
This is the police doing exactly what they are supposed to do, in response to complaints of a string of thefts they set up an operation to catch the thieves and then caught them. Do you imagine that this was the first time these thieves broke into the freight containers in search of merchandise to steal?

what have you stolen?

I see no shush thing as a freight yard on the picture or in the clip , just a truck and trailer parked on a open road . In my opinion , if the sea takes away your stuff the solution is not in draining the whole damn sea . You put op higher dikes and protection . So if this stealing is to be stopped , better protection is needed . Why not put up a decent fence and take some local unemployed people to guard it ?
Thieves are created by opportunity , if you leave this opportunity open or even create one on purpose you will have to build bigger prison's . Ho ! wait ,.... they did , America the land of profitable private owned prison's .
Well i am glad to here that you are a Saint , That you think you are completely sane when you demand your government to drain the sea for your safety , because you can't swim .

In my life and learning i might have done things that did financial damage to others a bit , when i was young the world looked like one big cookie jar . So yes true experience i learned that those jars have no value , there al traps created by the system we are forced to live under . for most my life i lived as a honest working class hero , as i still am .
If you kill someone over the mistake he made ,he will not learn a thing or teach others .

Besides stealing property or things one can also steal pride and dignity witch i did never . So i ask back , what did you steal ? or are you really a SAINT ?

a spokeswoman for the Norfolk Southern Railroad police, who said that these areas were targeted because freight trucks have been burglarized there in the past.

This is the railroad police doing a targeted cargo theft operation, this is the police doing exactly what they are supposed to do, they had reports of thieves, they targeted and caught those thieves. Kudos to the cops.
There are very few unemployed people left in America looking for work, unemployment among those without an education is at an all time low.
These thieves were not created by the police parking a trailer there, they were thieves already, that's why the police were there, to stop the rampant thievery. That's their job. That's why the people who own the trucks and trailers pay taxes.
Trying to relate this to private prisons is stupid, it's really neither here nor there, there were criminals here stealing things, they should be arrested and go to jail whether or not prisons are profitable or not.
Luckily the police didn't kill any of the thieves and someday they will be free again to make choices and they will no doubt have the opportunity to do wrong again and harm others, but maybe they will be reformed by then right?
I don't steal things, if you think its ok I hope that the police catch you stealing and put you in jail to think about it for a while.

yep , i found a real SAINT !

funbobby51 is confirmed sane .
Flawless and perfect in his ways .

Learn to read bro , cause you do not understand a thing i wrote . In your response you avoid every point of interest and declared yourself a SAINT . For example ad the prisoners to the unemployed and don't forget the homeless .

Have a nice live .

Wow, all you have to do to be a saint is just not be a thief, all that is required is not breaking into freight containers and you can't qualify?
So what was the last thing you could not resist stealing?
Just because someone is poor or homeless does not mean they are a thief, your argument reminds me of what George Bush said:

"First, let me make it very clear, poor people aren't necessarily killers. Just because you happen to be not rich doesn't mean you're willing to kill." George W. Bush

Put "steal" in there.

Ah! G.W. Bush ,.... i rest my case .
I can not compete with that .
Or , there is no way to argue with the brain dead that don't know how to understand what they read .
Your just trolling now , not capable of having a normal discussion about the subject .
Desperately trying to put me in a bad daylight wondering away from what i really wrote down .
Please take your family content back to fakebook where it belongs .
Cause i start to suspect a government pro chill troll in you .

People have agency. They're always responsible for their actions.
To liken them to a natural process is to dehumanise them.

" To liken them to a natural process is dehumanise them "

i wonder which sick dictator's mind made this statement ?
Like forcing order and law makes them human ?
Doctrine and domestication makes a human human ?

Just visit a us prison , there is no human behaviour behind bars , they only learn to fuck or get fucked hard , literally . How can you ever release that kind of thinking back in society ?
Or do you really think the process of imprisonment creates more humanitarian people ?
Or did you spell it incorrect ?

To liken them to a natural process is humanise them , get free bro ;-)

Exactly, they had a choice about breaking into that trailer and they choose the wrong thing, there is no excuse or justification for it.

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