I am a bullshit analyzer - PC theory can not be debunked!

in #news5 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemsilvergold, As stackers of precious metals we have all done research on youtube, forums, social media ect to learn more about what we love. Weather you are stacking silver are gold as a store of value, investment, hobby, prepping, collector are whatever, we all come across conspiracy theories while researching. This is because of the nature that many stackers believe stacking precious metals will benefit them greatly during economic crushes. There are hundreds of thousands of theories out there, a theory for everything and anything you can think of.......and that's why. A conspiracy theory is an idea (guess) based on selected evidence that some backwards but influential collective is responsible for an anonymous occurrence.

Ok, we all know what a conspiracy theory is and we have all heard about the most popular ones that are floating around the interweb. I personally dont believe in any conspiracy theory, i believe in what i see and act on what is happening now based on what has happened in the past. Everything moves in cycles and if we look into the past, we can hopefully get a good guide for the future. Some people say 2012 was the year silver and gold almost broke the banks, i would say there was a stock market crash and it's part of the cycle. I have wrote over 1000 posts and i'd bet nobody knew that's the way i think and plan. We have a member that has made up his own conspiracy theory simply named the PC theory and he welcomes all members of steemit to debunk his theory. It's Thursday morning i think and im in the mood for writing. I am armed with a hot coffee and a bag of green, let's get this done. And FYI, i believe in a small group ruling the world but that's not a theory and proven fact, i dont think they are lizards from outter space either.

Before we began, i do not read conspiracy theory posts because they are a waste of time and normally some sort of scar mongering. All my evidence is based on around 20 minutes of research in this members blog's. I have known about the PC theory for a while now but never paid any attention, each to their own. I should also say that the theory is not wrapped up in a bow. I see this will happen and then this will happen but no how are why. It's all just answers and no questions. There's not even an order of steps of how things will play out and that pisses off off because now i need to do it for him in order to construct a debunking.

The PC theory

- Theory becomes active by Executive Order reset

Every $1 in federal reserve notes become worth 1 new U.S. crypto-cent. All US coinage are equal to the new U.S. crypto currency. This means that $1 in any US coins will have the spending power of $100 and $100 of fed notes will have the spending power of $1 during the phase out of old notes.

- After the rest

Every federal reserve note returned to the bank are spent will be replaced by either a U.S. Coin, a U.S. crypto-dollar or a U.S. paper trade dollar (new notes). Silver will cost 15 cents, gold will cost $1 and a new house will cost you $1000. If you work, you will go from earning $50k per year down to $500 after the rest by executive order. It is assumed the government will have some sort of switch over plan in place to swap over currencies. Everything will work as normal meaning everyone can still use debit card's in store and online, the only difference being everything will be priced x100 lower than it is now. The theory suggests banks might survive through intergation but the bankers themselves will fail and free the world of the 0.001 percenter's giving us a debt-free currency. Nothing mentioned about anything outside the USA.

Every penny saved is a dollar earned - You can use that as a title PC, i just thought of it.

My Retort

I dont know where to began because the theory began's with a switch being flipped. There is nothing saying how are why we get the point of having to reset the economy, its just "a switch is flipped by executive order" and boom, it's done. I sit here rubbing my head trying to think of how i can make an intellectual response by breaking down the theory piece by piece but it's just too ridiculous to know where to start. I feel i have wasted around 90 minutes on this, how can this PC theory be debunked when it's not even a theory. Its a bunch of random thoughts put together and called a theory. There is no content and the first thing that comes to mind is an empty egg. How can can i debunk something that has no subsidence to attack? Nothing is explained.

The PC theory does not explain anything. What happens outside the USA?, how does this effect the markets and what is the aftermath of the ripple effect? job loses, ect. Where would the President ever get the power to "flip the switch"? Your theory says the president is a puppet. I understand the US government has the power under act 1 & 8 to print there own currency but they already choose not to because why would they? You dont bite the hand that feeds you, what changes the government minds to go against whoever they are being controlled by.

How do you go from being controlled to not being controlled?

Quick Wrap up

I am a little disappointed, i should have looked into this more before i started writing a post about it but i was already 60% the way done before i realized the whole theory is based on one liners with no context. You can say, read between the lines and i would say fuck you, i want to see something wrote down that backs up what is being said. My thoughts are there is no theory here. When you see a man shouting about "the reset is coming" or "1 penny is gonna be worth $1" on the street corner, you think he is crazy. If that guy explained his theory he might get a few more listeners and people would not think he is crazy.

I must declare............


The SSUK theory

I guess i cant debunk it, you win @pocketechange. I have a theory for you, its the SSUK theory. My theory says that everything stays the way it is now. We have some bubble event happen every 8 years (housing, oil, PM's ect) that will trigger a stock market crash which leads the world into some sort of recession. The governments create some bullshit "fix it" plan and it's all forgot about after a few years when the stock markets are hitting new highs. A new asset bubble is created and when it pops, it starts over again. There are also longer cycles but i fear my words would be wasted on you and i may as well write them in chalk to the wall in the rain. My theory has been in practice for hundreds of years and whatever currency basis being used has almost no effect on the greater plan. Prove me wrong?



A bunch of crazy shit is gonna’ happen.

There will be a wealth transfer, the likes of which the world has never seen, although it is only a mere 100:1

The transfer will be FROM the banks, TO the banks because that is who holds the most change.

The constitution states that only silver and gold shall be used for makng coins.

Clad monkeys “might” fly out of someone’s ass.

Everything will be business as usual and no worker’s will mind that their paychecks are reduced to 1 penny on the dollar because slaps to the noggin’ are still free and Big Macs will cost a nickel.

Stacking silver and gold is a big mistake.

I repeat myself because i have no other ammo.


A bunch of crazy shit is going to happen...

Clad Monkey's my fly out of someone's ass!!!! I cant wait to see this.

It will be PC’s greatest shitpost ever — and that is saying a lot!!!

You sum it up very well and that's why i cant debunk it.

Wait...what?!?!?! But I found this picture on the inter-webs and it said it was real.



...all my lizards look RICH AF!!!

Believe it or not, I loved reading your post... I wish most of the people in the steemsilvergold Community knew even half as much as you know about it... Here's a Video that was recently brought to my attention...

He's close to what I've been writing about, but not as advanced as mine...

The guy is a crackpot. Far too emotional to be taken seriously as an analyst and his rant at the end was too much.

I agree that his plan was in need of some fine tuning, but he was on the right path... His Heart was in the right place...

This reminds me of the Trillion dollar coin idea to pay off the national debt.

I remember the Trillion Dollar Coin... It would have been very hard to “remove and replace” one Rotten System with another Rotten System... The Central Bank Owners probably came up with it to throw everyone off the real path... People were getting too close to the truth...

If we were going to pay off the national debt with quarters as the guy in the video suggests, wouldn't it just be easier to do so by minting a trillion dollar coin? I believe that was the whole idea behind it, I'm not sure how that would be any different or a 'Rotten System' as if they paid it off in quarters.

Since Federal Reserve Notes have lost (in my opinion) 99% of their Spending Power, all we need to do is Reset our U.S. Coinage with a 100 Fold increase in Spending Power, to make up for the Loss, Experienced by the Inflated Federal Reserve Notes... Think of it as a Reverse Split...
A One Dollar Bill and One U.S. Cent will have equal "Spending Power"... This will allow us to "Remove and Replace" all Federal Reserve Notes, World Wide with U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents, along with the New Paper U.S. Dollar and Cents... One U.S. Crypto-Dollar or One U.S. Trade Dollar, will Remove and Replace One Hundred Federal Reserve Note Dollars... We don't want them, we don't need them... Where we Remove One, we Remove All...

Trillion dollar coin
The trillion dollar coin is a concept that emerged during the United States debt-ceiling crisis in 2011, as a proposed way to bypass any necessity for the United States Congress to raise the country's borrowing limit, through the minting of very high-value platinum coins. The concept gained more mainstream attention by late 2012 during the debates over the United States fiscal cliff negotiations and renewed debt-ceiling discussions. After reaching the headlines during the week of January 7, 2013, use of the trillion dollar coin concept was ultimately rejected by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury. Five days later, Senate Minority Whip John Cornyn announced that Senate Republicans would end their threat to block an increase in the debt ceiling.

Feel free to read about my actual Theory... Most of the people here, don’t have a clue about what’s heading our way...

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This is one that was always difficult for me to understand. As @senstless mentioned, the debt would still be present and the decimal just moved.

Now, I definitely think some big things are coming (i.e recessions and crashes). As with anything like this, there are also plentiful opportunities. Everything is slowly moving towards cryptos. So by getting in relatively early and investing smart, we are setting ourselves up to make a good chunk of change.

We remove the Debt by removing the Debt Notes and replacing them with a Debt Free Monetary System...

Crypto's are something like it could be the next wave of money. Of course the government would own it and the intro process would take years, maybe even decades. Someone in the 60-80's could grasp the concept of crypto's but many are stuck in their ways and would refuse to use a crypto currency. Everyone around me age (33) has at least heard about crypto's and would be like more likely to use it. It might take decades to fully phase in.

By the way, nothing changes. The same people own the same stuff, your silver is still undervalued and facebook is still overpriced.

U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents will not take years to phase in... People would immediately be able to use it for Writing Checks or by means of Credit and Debit Cards... They will replace the Banks Digital Debt Blips...

The best way to get your hands on U.S Cryypo-Dollars and Cents, will be by having Physical U.S. Coinage “before” the Reset, then turning it in for an equal amount of U.S.Crypto...

I can't get over the fact, they would just mint new coins.... they have the mints -, the raw materials, the people...

why waste all that value...

It won’t be QE at its finest... It’s meant to remove the Debt Notes, by replacing them with a Debt Free Monetary System, with no interest going to the Central Bank Owners... We won’t have to Mint new Coins... The existing Coins “Spending Power” will be Reset...


Not to mention, it doesn't really do anything... You can move the decimal all you want, but the ratio of value to income will remain unchanged. All you did was move a decimal.... until every other country denies access to funding via anything other than silver, gold, oil, or... gasp EURO

It does plenty... It removes the Slave Grip, the Central Bank Owners have over us...

EURO for KING!!!

It's already wrecked half the western world, lets go after the other half and hitthe good old U..S of A :D

and then the German's win

His is a very crude and unsophisticated theory which doesn't use a lot of logic. Why would it happen? Who are the winners and losers? There is no way in hell that the elite are stockpiling old US coinage...

The more I think about it, the more I think the guy is a troll and its probably best we go back to ignoring his crazy theory. Everyone is entitled to an opinion (no matter how wacky), but we shouldn't have to waste any energy on debunking it.

That was a cruel comment... I am not a Troll... Back to ignoring his crazy Theory...??? Is that what’s been going on...???

I apologise if it sounded cruel. Just calling it how I see it.

I can only speak for myself, but for me your theory is nonsensical and yes, I've been ignoring your repeated posts on the subject as it really doesn't have anything to do with silver and gold.

My Theory has "everything" to do with Gold and Silver... You almost make me feel that I'm posting the same exact post, each and every time... That's not the Cast... I try to look at my Theory from every possible angle... Do I dare suggest that your read the one called "SPENDING POWER"...???

There is always a fix. Economies, most especially the huge big economies, need to survive. Their governments will not allow a total collapse. Stack on, @silverstackeruk.

That's what i think as well :)

Thanks for checking out my post.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

All I have to say is...

100% upvote for using a gif of Karl Pilkington explaining Bullshit Man! 😆 Love it!

He really didn’t do that good of a job explaining Bullshit Mans Theory...

I wasn't calling you Bullshit Man... 🙃
Bullshit Man was a superhero that Karl Pilkington made up.

lol... Sorry I took it that way... I've been getting a lot of negative comments about my P.C. Theory in the Above Posting, trying to Debunk my Theory... I sometimes use Coin Man with some of my Posts, so naturally, I was caught off Guard when I saw Bull Shit Man...

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