Germany could not be formed in Germany, demand for re-election

in #news7 years ago


Due to the failed attempt to form a coalition government in Germany, the political crisis has deepened. Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that instead of leading a minority government, she would like to elect the re-election in the country. Merkel said that although negotiations were unexpected, he could not find any reason to resign from his post. The moderate Free Democrat party (FDP) had decided to go out of the conversation on Sunday evening. President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeyer has appealed to all parties, all political parties, that they "rethink their decisions". He appealed to the parties to compromise Germany's "goodness" and said that the country is going through an unprecedented situation.


The biggest challenge for Merkel

This is the biggest challenge facing Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany for 12 years. Merkel told German television ARD, "As much as we thought, the way to form a new government is proving more difficult than that." He did not deny the possibility of becoming a coalition government, but said, "I do not say that it will never happen, but I am not clear about this fact, I think it is better to make the elections again." In an interview given to Zdf, Merkel said that Germany needs a permanent government "which does not have to win a majority to take decisions in every case."



Some people of Merkel's Party CDU hope that it is still possible to form coalition government in collaboration with the Social Democrat Party (SPD). But the party has repeatedly denied this option. Earlier on Monday, Social Democrats leader Martin Schultz had said that "his party is not afraid of elections again." Merkel went on to win, but to run the government challenge About the possibility of a re-alliance with the SPD, Merk told in his interview to Zdf that he is waiting for talks between President Steinmayer and SPD leaders. They say that seeking his resignation will not be a positive start for the new coalition.


Long process is re- election

In Germany, if it comes to re-election, then President Steinmeyer will have to take a decision and a long process will be adopted before it can go for several months. But Steinmeyer is seeing the re-election as a last resort. In a short speech on Monday, he told the leaders that he also has a responsibility that should not be handed back to the voters. In the election held in September this year, Merkel's party won the election, in which the main parties, besides the main parties, could get the vote, due to which the majority could not form the government.


Four week conversation

The discussions were going on between FDP, The Green and the CDU / SASU in the last four weeks to form a coalition government, which ended on Sunday when FDP went out of negotiations. FDP leader Christine Lindner said in defense of his party that he "has not taken the decision without thinking."


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