
What is the nazi part here? That word is so extremely often used by people that dont have a clue what the nazis were. Mostly happens in propaganda and mass manipulation paradise the USA.

I'm not here to argue with you, I don't even know you and I hardly care what you think of what I say because I have dedicated my life to studying society and I see the corruption for what it is.

We have people here staving in the streets, like they did at the Nazis camps. They have desensitized us, to not care about one another. People are shaving their hair, which is like the Nazis camps, this reduces our power and ability to sense things.

If you don't agree with me then go find someone who you agree with and talk to them, i'm looking for like-minded, intelligent people to engage with.

Yeah ever wondered how JP Morgan could stay in Europe and the whole company came even filthier rich then it was out of ww2? Either one should have closed that company. Hitler for needing that wealth to pay for the war or the americans because a company with such grow during that war must have dirty hands. That company has no right to exist, its all bloodmoney.
About what you say with experimenting, yes, but also many medication and wound and infection treatment was thanks to evil dr. Joseph Mengele.. The biggest progress in mass manipulation started in the 50's, the CIA and the rockefeller foundation worked together on this and soon they went to a location in Canada. Rockefeller foundation paid, the CIA arranged human laprats.. these experiments were very succesful and soon they found out that with certain electromagnetic waves (think 5G) or sounds people can do things by ordering them. One of the reasons i hardly watch tv. What Mengele did was mostly physical testing, more the dark medical side, less in mental. Although he was obsessed with twins and what happened in one head and body when the other half was killed.
Mass manipulation now is all too easy. Half of the west are tv zombies that care more for some 'famous' person doing dumb irrelevant stuff with amounts of money they will never have then that they open their eyes to see how the last 3 years there have been several coup attempts right under their eyes but nobody wants to talk about because its not entertaining. Im getting tired so im gonna post a video that does the talking for what i was gonna say even better then when i talk about it. It will explain why mass manipulation is such an easy job nowadays. And this is besides the 25% of kids in the USA that get medication that causes them to have no more concentration will be beh

Posted using Partiko Android

I had written a huge reply but i accidentally touched a wrong button. All gone.
I can only agree with the enslavement. Thats so true. We are only here because we are the worker ants yo serve the queen (as in the 16 richest people in the world that own as much as the poorest 3.5billion people. And what do they own. Nothinng. Money is made out of nothing and worth nothing. Andveveryone working till they die for it. Even in places they know its highly possible to get cancer there. For some thin air, becsuse its nothing more then that. Masses manipulated into generations of slavery

Posted using Partiko Android


I'm very pissed off today and it all started when I saw those animals getting abused as the result of capitalism and this sick society.

May I ask where you reside? How did you learn about the corruption? I have a distain for TV too.

It's nice to meet you...

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