in #news7 years ago

by SGT,

Brad Peters is a Senior Software Engineer at Intel, and he is not only worried about the future of automation that will eliminate millions of jobs from the economy, he's worried about transhumanism and the very future of the human race.

Brad Peters is an avid prepper, and not just because the future of the US dollar is bleak. No, the issues facing us now are far, far bigger than just the collapse pf our fiat currency.

Thanks for tuning in.


I think everyone is overlooking a very crucial factor. Just because automation takes your job, doesn't mean you're done and you are doomed to live forever without an income. It means you have to adapt. Myself, I plan on buying a robot and putting it in my basement and set it off on making things. As automation gets better it gets cheaper. When it gets cheap enough, everyone can afford it.

This dystopian view of the future with automation is like 1984 with surveillance. Now that cameras are cheap enough that the government can put them everywhere, people can also put them everywhere. The result is so far a wash. There is government surveillance that goes over the line but there is also people fighting back against other government over reach such as police brutality with cell phone cameras. The surveillance fight has just begun and who knows where it will end up but we do have a fighting chance. If we exercise some prudence and good judgement, we will be OK.

As for the automation fight. It will be tricky. The rich can afford to dump whatever product you decide to make at a fraction of the cost that it takes for you to make it. In this way they can drive all the small people out of the market. Therefore, there will be a need for community trading blocks that guarantee markets for each other's goods until the wealth of the rich dissipates to the point where they cannot afford to economically attack others. This may take a few life times or it may be accomplished quickly in the old French style with a guillotine.

Regardless of what might happen, the masses do have an opportunity to make their life better. I hope we can stick together and take back our economy so it works for all of us.

This is scary!
Its not the first thing to hear or read last couple of dats about the AI that takes over everything now.

I dont know did we do a crime leaving our next generations facing robots POWERFUL ROBOTS ! To take their jobs and who knows take their roles of life and ..etc.

Its getting serious!
Are we going to live the IRobot live?

I couldn't finish the 51 mins but am freaking out already ! Will finish the video ofcours later.
Thanks @sgtreport

Automation and transhumanism are not the problem. The current system of capitalism is the problem. Automation is going to destroy that system and that's why some people fear it.

In the tong term, the percentage of the population that works has been declining over time. In the UK, before the industrial revolution, over 75% of the population worked but now just under 50% of the population work. Those who claim the industrial revolution didn't cause job losses are flat out wrong. They're talking about absolute numbers rather than relative ones.

The population is increasing at a faster rate than jobs are being creating and therefore, there are less jobs opportunities for the population. This is because technological progress increases productivity which allows less people to do more work. At the same time though, that increased productivity increase the generation of wealth which in turn allows people to be removed from the labour force, for example children and pensioners. This is why it seems like automation hasn't led to job losses in the past - large parts of the population have been removed from the workforce. This is why we have 5% unemployment figures instead of 30%.

Society adapted to the automation of the industrial revolution by redistributing more wealth and will do so again by increasing wealth redistribution in the form of UBI.

UBI will only be a short stop gap measure though to get us through the transition. That transition is not to an automated society though, it's to a virtual society. Automation is just a small part of it.

The real fun starts with brain computer interfaces (BCI) that can read from and write to the brain directly; providing completely realistic and fully immersive VR environments. With this technology, any experience you could have in physical reality could be had in virtual reality as well.

People will want to spend all their time in VRs but will have to come out to maintain their bodies. The market will provide those people with life support systems. Why bother maintaining the entire body though if only the brain need to be maintained? So, what we'll see, is people discarding their bodies to place their brains in maintenance tanks that incorporate BCIs, vastly reducing the amount of space and resources they consume.

The next step down the path of progress come from converting our biological brains into synthetic ones that can be maintained from using electricity alone. With that step, we become immortal minds that can live in any environment as long as we have suitable shielding and power. Given the greatest source of power in a solar system is its star, the logical thing fro these synths to do. is to build Matrioshka brains around the stars.

This transition may be scary to some people but it's going to make life far greater than anyone is even capable of imagining.

Fascinating. I really am into this - and I believe I good. To realize this kind of evil exists affirms God's existence for me. I share your videos with everyone I can. The battle is the Lord's. The harvest is ready and the workers are few. Sean, THANK YOU!!! Great work. And many thanks to ALL your guests.

It can be a two-sided blade. As he says automation can free our potential, but those in power usually take tech into there advantage. Who knows, maybe one day we will be able to live 500 years and there will be about 1000 of us humans, and the rest would be machines. These are interesting times, many paradigms are shifting .

I had to stop watching your video at min 12:00... sorry.

Elon Musk is a total scammer and I would like you to be more critical about him. When Brad said that Elon created an AI company to be more in control of the danger of AI, this is a complete nonsense. The reality is that he created an AI company because he has seen a big potential to make more money in AI.

And probably he will ask government funding for his company because he will tell us in his distorted narrative that he is the "good guy" defending us against the "bad AI" developed by the "evil" competitors. At the end all Americans will pay more taxes so Elon will be able to create his new monopolistic AI company and get less jobs.

Please wake up and stop to propagandize Elon Musk as a hero. The problem is not AI but the people that will control AI... i.e. Elon Musk.

This is a demonstration of how good are his AI driven cars

It would be pretty ironic if an A.I. bot upvotes this post....

Lol , right

I guess you can call this evolution lol

What's wrong with increasing technology to free humans from menial tasks? Automation and robots will almost always be more reliable and accurate at performing their designated tasks than error-prone humans will be.

I actually like the advancements that we are making in AI and automation. The increase in robotics taking over the repetitive jobs will cause us to change our and better our skills to focus on getting smarter in areas that AI and automation can't accomplish.

We've made advancements like this all throughout history and we've adjusted...the same will happen with the advancements of today and the advancements of tomorrow. Yes, some jobs will be eliminated and it will be tough but it will all eventually even out.

Who's with me?!


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