Q: Divide They Try, Fail They Will

in #news6 years ago

from SGTreport.com:

I'll take some heat for making this video, but that's fine. I'm sick and tired of the Q-Critics saying horrible things about those who do Q-related research. WHY on earth do they care so much? WHAT is Q research leading to that is causing anything other than good? The rabid hate coming from Q-critics needs to be exposed, because the people who follow and report about Q seem to be a lot nicer and more evenly keeled people than the Q-haters. Just one man's opinion.

To those who are kins enough to UPvote and share my painstakingly crafted video reports, thank YOU. God Bless! ~Sean


Q: Who is Pamphlet? Hmmm.....

Not to disappoint; but, if Q had any real substance, wouldn't POTUS mention, about it/him, at least once????



People need to wake up! Good job

Super cool video Sean. I appreciate the info! Cheers!!!!

It seems Q is a distraction that has allowed everything to be swept under the rug, there has been no transparency, no disclosure of facts, and that doesn't appear to ever change. The criminals are still walking free, false flags are still happening, and the central bank/federal reserve system is still putting everyone in debt. The last bit of wealth is being extracted from the American people while they hold on for hope from Q. What is Q doing about the 1 million dollars of your tax money spent every minute? The deficit will continue to increase exponentially, government spending has increased to its highest level. How is Q not a distraction from the greatest wealth extortion scheme in history? (Trust the government plan?)

Q keeps coming up with the goods. I think he is allied with Trump in some way and is provided with useful information. Q is an excellent counter to the "fake news" push being published by the "cabal".

Do you think Q could tell us whether Debbie Wasserman-Shultz was receiving "recreational" services from Imran Awan. It is an important detail for the movie.

I choose the opposite of Sgt's outroduction!

American Militia is not standing down until we see the big perp walk of all of these traitors ❗️

Upvoted again!!

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