
in #news6 years ago

76d40e39415f3a85f1c538cc8526f3c1_2000_1125_640_360.jpg Flood waters in Paris have swallowed the Île aux Cygnes.

It is home to Paris' quarter-scale replica of the Statue of Liberty.

Heavy rain has left swathes of the French capital submerged.

Severe flooding in Paris is so bad that it has submerged the island in the centre of the city which is home to its replica of the Statue of Liberty.

The Île aux Cygnes in central Paris, which is home to a quarter-scale Statue of Liberty, was plunged underwater in the past week after unprecedented rainfall left the Seine river badly swollen.

The statue itself, which stands on a stone pillar, is still well above the water level.

But the island, which is man-made and usually walkable, was submerged by waters which hit a peak on Monday and are now beginning to recede.

Story from news republic

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