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RE: It's Past Time To Get Rid Of Asset Forfeiture

in #news7 years ago

This happened to a friend of mine couple years back. He was driving back from Atlantic City after playing a series of poker tournaments (what he does for a living) and had a very large sum of cash on him.

He got pulled over in Georgia and they tried to say he was a drug dealer (drugging sniffing dog "smelt drugs") and they seized all of his money.

Guys has never done let alone sold drugs in his life. Fought them in court for more than a year and ended up getting back 1/4 of his money. Crazy.


When i've mentioned how they can just take the cash before, some folks responded in defense saying well who would carry that much $ on them? as if that was reason enough for it to be stolen... the scenario you describe above is a perfect scenario, what if they just came from the casino? or were going shopping? or going to make a big purchase? just because someone has a large sum of cash shouldn't automatically render them guilty of something

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