Fact Checking - June Week 4

in #news6 years ago


Did Barack Obama Oversee the Separation of 89,000 Children From Their Parents?

"In other words, the figure of 89,000 refers specifically to the number of children who arrived in the United States alone between October 2013 and January 2016 and were placed with sponsors throughout the country. It does not refer to children whom United States border agencies separated from their families..."

"Fact: Over 90,000 kids were detained under Obama. And no one cared."

"The 90,000 children refers to the unaccompanied minors from Central America during Obama’s tenure. Children were detained by the federal government until they could be released to a parent or other caregiver in the U.S."

"Mexico’s Next President Calls for An Invasion Of The US"

"We found no indications that López Obrador was encouraging people to abandon their towns in favor of the United States."

Mostly False

Did 233 Representatives Vote to ‘Steal’ Social Security’s $2.9 Trillion Surplus?

"However, claims made by Social Security Works that politicians voted on the balanced budget amendment with the express intent to use Social Security to cover the national debt are largely false, as this was not the intent of the amendment...It is true, however, that 233 representatives in Congress voted in favor of the most recent attempt at a balanced budget amendment."

"We’ve already started (the border wall). We started it in San Diego."

"The $1.6 billion authorized by Congress for these projects does not allow for the construction of any sort of wall prototype requested by Trump...The planning for at least some of these projects, which will replace shorter scrap metal fencing, started long before Trump ran for office. Congress, however, agreed to pay for them under Trump’s administration."


Migrant mother and ‘crying girl’ on Time cover never separated.

"There isn't a system" for reuniting families separated under Trump’s zero tolerance border policy.

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