Fact Checking - July Week 1

in #news6 years ago


"Watch those GDP numbers. We started off at a very low number, and right now we hit a 3.2 (percent). Nobody thought that was possible."

"This is inaccurate two ways. First, the most recent saw GDP growth of 2.0 percent, not 3.2 percent. And second, exceeding 3 percent GDP growth in a quarter is not an unusual achievement -- Obama accomplished it eight times. The real achievement would be a full year at 3 percent, which hasn’t happened under Trump yet."

"The deficit ... is coming down, and it’s coming down rapidly."

"He’s also wrong if you look at the first seven months of fiscal year 2018. According to the Treasury Department, the first seven months of the current fiscal year saw a deficit of $385 billion -- which is 12 percent higher than the first seven months of fiscal year 2017, when the deficit totaled $344 billion."

"More than 66% of ALL births in California are to illegals on Medi-Cal."

"Between 2011 and 2013, the most recent years available, between 12 percent and 15 percent of all births statewide were to undocumented immigrants using Medicaid, not 66 percent."

"39% of All California Students are illegals."

"Perhaps 3 percent of students are themselves undocumented, and 12.3 percent have a parent who is undocumented."

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