UK funeral director confirms our worst nightmares

in #news3 years ago

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I felt moved after watching this interview to immediately write this man an email and thank him for being brave enough to speak out and he was kind enough to respond immediately with gratitude and some words of hope for the future. He is from my perspective working on the front line of this war and consequently in the unique position of being able to accurately report on how many people are dying and their demographic, connecting these trends with what is happening in the world at the time. Interacting with the families of the deceased he is also able to establish if they had been jabbed before their death. This kind of information you don't get from the mainstream media.

While I strongly recommend you watch the full interview to feel out his authenticity and hear it directly from the source I will highlight for you now some of his main points:

  • At the outset of the pandemic all the funeral homes of the UK formed a union in order that they could support each other should things get busy and over-run in particular areas. It is for this reason he is able to confirm for us that everything his Milton Keynes funeral service experienced was also experienced simultaneously by the others, putting to bed any claims that his observations are limited only to his region.

  • When asked about about abnormalities in his experience as a funeral director during the pandemic, his first observation was that the elderly, particularly those in care homes were dying on mass at the beginning, in a way he had never before experienced. He makes references to a particular drug he believes was being used to euthanize "those who are unable to say no" and observes how this influx in elderly deaths, incorrectly recorded as covid deaths, was used as the fear propaganda to justify last winter's lock-downs. Remember the 'don't kill your granny' campaign?

  • He observed no particular rise in the number of deaths after this initial influx (less busy than the previous year in fact) and notes that the next time he observed an unusual amount of deaths coincided exactly with the roll-out of the 'vaccine'. But rather than being a particular age group this time, now it was everyone. He seemed shocked by the numbers which were much more in line with what one would expect from a pandemic, but he couldn't help but to start asking questions at this point, feeling the strong connection between increasing deaths and increasing vaccine roll-out.

  • The BBC asked him for an interview when he was under pressure, overwhelmed with deaths. They also asked that he wear a full hazmat suit for it. He found this strange (as he doesn't normally wear this kind of gear under any circumstances) but agreed and gave the interview anyway. Only later did he see how he had been used as part of the fear campaign.

  • After doing his own research (learning about the fraudulent PCR tests amongst other things) he went public with his information, claiming it was the jabs causing the so called delta variant. He was then offered £85,000 by RT news to drop this subject altogether, further confirming his suspicions. (Don't be thrown by the apparent Russian source of this bribe, all mainstream media companies are connected & owned by the same elite who want us dead). Thankfully for us, he refused this offer. And I wonder how many people in his situation didn't?

  • He observes how no children at all have died from covid but believes that soon we will see many children dying from the jab and this will be used like last year with the grannies, as the fear porn to get everyone vaccinated & locked up for the winter.

  • He refers to what is happening now as a cull and knows full well his life is at risk having spoken out, but wants very much for us the public to hear the truth and is willing to take this risk for us.

Thank goodness there are still some honest men left in the world!

Drop him a line if you feel like it: [email protected]

Love & Light everyone 🌱

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