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RE: Yellow vests respond to Macron's 'grand debate' with a day of destruction in central Paris (Act 18)

in #news5 years ago

Yes indeed, he doesn't seem to care. Yet he still walks through the motions required of him as president. He addresses the nation and offers the chance to debate, yet his words and energy only dig his hole deeper.

Am pleased you enjoyed the read! I will continue reporting on this story as best I can from here in the South.


Dear @samstonehill

I will continue reporting on this story as best I can from here in the South.

Please do. And send me link via memo to any new publication if you dont mind. I will gladly check it out. Otherwise chance that I will see your post in my newsfeed is close to zero.


Hello Piotr

Thank you for your kind offer. When I get round to writing something juicy I will send it over.

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